[News] Lawsuit against police violence at Republican National Convention to go forward

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Mar 4 18:12:07 EST 2011

Lawsuit against police violence at Republican National Convention to go forward

Motion will be made to subpoena ‘Karen Sullivan’ 
- undercover FBI infiltrator in Twin Cities in anti-war movement

By Staff
March 4, 2011

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Minneapolis, MN – At a March 4 press conference 
outside the Federal Building, lawyers who filed 
the first lawsuit resulting from police violence 
at the 2008 Republican National Convention 
announced their plan to move forward with 
litigation in the case of Mick Kelly. In a widely 
publicized incident, police, standing only feet 
away, shot Kelly in his stomach with a high 
velocity marking projectile at the demonstration 
organized by the Anti-War Committee on the fourth 
day of the RNC, September 4, 2008.

Mick Kelly, one of the main organizers of the 
massive march and rally on the first day of the 
Republican National Convention, earlier prevailed 
in a separate lawsuit against the city of St. 
Paul after his arrest for leafleting at a June 
2008 Obama rally. He is also one of the Twin 
Cities anti-war and international solidarity 
activists whose home was raided by the FBI on September 24, 2010.

Law enforcement agencies failed to reveal the 
presence of an undercover infiltrator during the 
discovery process of Kelly’s 2008 RNC lawsuit. 
The existence of an undercover law enforcement 
officer who was active for two years in RNC 
protest organizations was first revealed in the 
course of communications between lawyers 
representing activists whose homes were raided by 
the FBI September 24, 2010 and Chicago Assistant 
U.S. Attorney Brandon Fox. The infiltrator, who 
went by the name “Karen Sullivan,” remained 
active in the Twin Cites peace movement until the 
September 24 raids, when she vanished.

Lawyers will ask the judge presiding over the 
case to reopen the discovery process and will 
move to subpoena “Karen Sullivan.”

The lawsuit is being pursued by attorneys Ted 
Dooley and Peter Nickitas, members of the 
National Lawyers Guild. Ted Dooley was one of the 
speakers at the press conference.

Dooley states, “By law, we should have been given 
all information about this ‘Sullivan’ character. 
She was present, and planning, at meetings prior 
to the RNC protests. And she was near at hand 
when Mick Kelly was shot at the September 4 
anti-war demonstration. Kelly has an absolute 
right to discover what she knew, and when she knew it!”

Jess Sundin, one of the main organizers of the 
protest at the RNC and a leader of the Twin 
Cities-based Anti-War Committee states, “There is 
a pattern of repression against anti war 
activists before, during and after the Republican 
National Convention. They sent in police agents 
to spy and used violence on protestors at the 
RNC. To top it off, they continued their spying 
and raided our homes and office on September 24, 
2010. Many of us who organized the march at the 
RNC have received summons to appear in front of a 
Chicago Grand Jury. This is wrong and we are pushing back.”

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