[News] Cointelpro 101 - DC area screenings

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Feb 25 10:32:32 EST 2011


Come to a free screening about the history that history forgot.

DC Metro Area Showings
March 5th - 29th

COINTELPRO was a series of covert, and often 
illegal, projects conducted by the United States 
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at 
surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and 
disrupting domestic political organizations. The 
tactics used included discrediting targets 
through psychological warfare, planting false 
reports in the media, smearing through forged 
letters, harassment, wrongful imprisonment, 
extralegal violence and assassination.

COINTELPRO 101 is an educational film that will 
open the door to understanding this history. The 
documentary will introduce viewers new to this 
history to the basics and direct them to other 
resources where they can learn more. The intended 
audiences are the generations that did not 
experience the social justice movements of the 
sixties and seventies. We are screening this new 
documentary far and wide. The intended audiences 
are (but not limited to) the generations that did 
not experience the social justice movements of 
the sixties and seventies.  Please help promote 
one, some or all of these events:

Saturday, March 5, 5–7 pm
Sankofa Video & Books
2714 Georgia Avenue NW
Washington, DC

Monday, March 7, 6-8 pm
University of the District of Columbia, 4.0 Lounge
4200 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, DC

Wednesday, March 16th, 7-9 pm
University of Maryland
Nyumburu Cultural Center
College Park, MD

Wednesday, March 21, 7–9:30 pm
Ras Café
4809 Georgia Avenue NW
Washington, DC

Thursday, March 24, 12-2 pm
Institute for Policy Studies
1112 16th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington DC

Sunday, March 27, 2-4 pm
Everlasting Life/Dar es Salaam Books
9185 Central Avenue
Capitol Heights, MD

Tuesday, March 29th, 7-9 pm
Howard University
Blackburn Center Auditorium
Washington, DC

For more information visit 
or call (202) 787- 5229

Co-sponsors: Voxunion.com, Black August Planning 
Organizing, All-African People's Revolutionary 
Party, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, 
Cimarrones-Howard University, IPs' SALSA and 
Paths for Reconstruction in the 21st Century, 
Students Against Mass Incarceration 
(S.A.M.I.)-Howard University, Black Male 
Initiative Program-University of Maryland, The 
Jericho Movement, and Freedom Archives.

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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