[News] Palestine - Al-Arakib Demolished For The 18th Time

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Thu Feb 17 21:09:16 EST 2011

Al-Arakib Demolished For The 18th Time


  Thursday February 17, 2011 15:49
 by David Steele - 1 of International Middle East Media Center Editorial Group

JNF (Jewish National Fund) bulldozers re-entered the village of 
al-Arakib this morning and destroyed buildings that were put up after 
yesterday's destruction.

This is now the 18th time that al-Arakib has been destroyed in a 
matter of months. The last occasion was yesterday. The Alternative 
Information Centre reports that police, riot police and Special 
Forces were involved in the operation, which occurred in the early 
hours of this morning. Residents were barricaded into the cemetery 
where they had fled for safety after yesterday's destruction and were sleeping.

Later on, residents from the nearby city of Rahat came to al-Arakib 
and demonstrated in support of the villagers. They were blocked from 
entering the village and riot police opened fire with rubber bullets 
and tear gas. They were chased for approximately 2 kilometers and 
seven were arrested, including two children.

Al-Arakib is a Bedouin village which pre-dates the state of Israel. 
Although residents have tax receipts and deeds of ownership dating 
back to the Ottoman years, the Israeli authorities do not consider 
these valid and have not recognized the village. As part of Operation 
Blueprint Negev, the JNF intends to plant a forest over the area 
presently occupied by the village.

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