[News] Egypt - Hundreds killed, injured in Kharga

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Feb 9 15:56:03 EST 2011

Hundreds killed, injured in Kharga
Wed Feb 9, 2011 6:46PM

Hundreds of protesters have been killed and wounded in Kharga in 
southern Egypt, as the nationwide revolution in the crisis-hit 
country enters its 16th consEgyptian security forces targeted the 
anti-government protesters with live bullets on Wednesday, killing at 
least five protesters and wounding hundreds of others.
Hundreds of protesters have been killed and wounded in Kharga in 
southern Egypt, as the nationwide revolution in the crisis-hit 
country enters its 16th consecutive day.

Egyptian security forces targeted the anti-government protesters with 
live bullets on Wednesday, killing at least five protesters and 
wounding hundreds of others.

Cairo's Liberation Square remained flooded with demonstrators who 
call on embattled Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to step down, a 
Press TV correspondent reported.

The independent organization Human Rights Watch has so far put the 
death toll at almost 300, after visiting just nine hospitals in 
troubled Egypt.

As Egyptians are out on the streets for the 16th straight day, newly 
appointed Vice President Omar Suleiman says the government cannot 
tolerate the protests for long.

Suleiman made the remark as over 50,000 protesters on Tuesday blocked 
newly-appointed Premier Ahmed Shafiq from entering his office in the 
Egyptian capital, calling for his immediate resignation and those of 
all the others in the cabinet.

Huge crowds on Tuesday also marched to the Interior Ministry and the 
parliament building in the capital despite the government's promises 
of constitutional reform and an increase in wages for public sector workers.

Suleiman has also announced that the government has a plan and a 
timetable for a peaceful transfer of power.

Egypt's second largest city, Alexandria, was also the scene of 
popular rallies against the regime. Many protesters are angry at the 
US stance toward the ongoing uprising in their country.

Thousands of Egyptian workers have gone on strike in the cities of 
Suez and Ismailia.


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