[News] Fidel - What They Want is Venezuela’s Oil

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Tue Sep 28 10:39:23 EDT 2010

What They Want is Venezuela’s Oil

By <http://www.zcommunications.org/zspace/fidelcastro>Fidel Castro

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In his latest reflection, Cuban Revolution leader 
Fidel Castro referred to the outcomes of 
parliamentary elections in Venezuela. Today, the 
Bolivarian Revolution has the Executive Power, a 
large majority in the parliament and a party 
capable of mobilizing millions of combatants in 
favour of socialism, he also pointed out.

Yesterday, I wrote about what I would do if I 
were Venezuelan. I explained that it is the poor 
people who suffer the most from natural 
catastrophes and I gave the reasons why. Later I 
added: “
where imperialism rules and the 
opportunistic oligarchy receive the greater 
portion of the national goods and services, the 
masses have nothing to gain or lose. The empire 
doesn’t give a damn about the elections
in the 
United States, even during presidential 
elections, less than 50 percent of registered voters turn out to vote.“

Today I would add that, even when they are voting 
for the entire House of Representatives, a part 
of the Senate and other important positions, 
voter turnout in the U.S. is no greater.

I asked, why then do they employ their enormous 
media resources to try to drown the Revolutionary 
Bolivarian Government of Venezuela in a sea of 
lies and slander? What they really want is Venezuela’s oil.

We’ve all seen during these elections, a group of 
bastards who, together with the mercenaries from 
the local print, radio and television press, have 
gone so far as to attempt to eliminate freedom of the press in Venezuela.

The enemy did achieve part of its objective: to 
stop the Bolivarian Government from obtaining a 
two-thirds majority in parliament.

Perhaps the empire believes it has achieved a great victory.

I believe the exact opposite: the September 26 
election results represent a victory for the 
Bolivarian Revolution and its leader Hugo Chavez Frias.

During these parliamentary elections the 
participation of the electorate rose to a record 
66.45 percent. The empire, with its vast 
resources, was unable to hold back the PSUV, 
which won 95 of the 165 seats, with 6 still 
undecided. The most important result is the 
increased number of young people, women and other 
proven militants who were elected.

Today, the Bolivarian Revolution has the 
Executive Power, a large majority in the 
parliament and a party capable of mobilizing 
millions of combatants in favour of socialism.

The United States only has the support of 
fragments of parties in Venezuela, united out of 
their fear of the revolution and out of material greed.

This time they could not resort to a coup d’êtat 
in Venezuela as they did with Allende in Chile 
and in other counties in Our America.

The armed forces of this fraternal country both 
promote and are a part of the Revolution. They 
are educated in the spirit and example of the 
Liberator, and it was their ranks that nurtured 
the current leaders who began this process.

Such a union of forces is invincible; a fact that 
becomes much clearer with half a century of experience.

Fidel Castro Ruz
September 27, 2010
3:24 a.m.

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