[News] Cuba - Continuation of Terrorist Plans from the US

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Sep 27 17:57:29 EDT 2010

From: Grupo Estados Unidos ICAP
Sent: Sep 24, 2010 9:05 AM
To: laborexhange at aol.com

Continuation of Terrorist Plans from the US

The statements of Francisco Chávez Abarca and the 
plans against Venezuela expose the continuation 
of the terrorist actions against Cuba and raise 
new questions on the complicity of the CIA, CANF, 
Posada Carriles and the anti-Cuban members of Congress.

As news were published that Luis Posada Carriles 
and various extremist organizations based in the 
US intend to carry on their plans of violent and 
paramilitary actions against Cuba, international 
terrorist Francisco Antonio Chávez Abarca was 
arrested in Venezuela last July 1st. He is one of 
the main links of the Central American connection 
employed in violent actions against Cuba by the 
notorious criminal, the Cuban American National 
Foundation (CANF) and some of its former members 
that currently make up the Council for the Liberation of Cuba (CLC).

Posada Carriles, a fugitive of the Venezuelan 
legal system, remains active and devising 
anti-Cuban schemes inside and out of the US 
territory, collecting debts and favors from 
politicians, officials and local or Central 
American agents as if he did not remember, mind 
or care about the hearing to set the date of the 
trial -or mock trial-he should face early next 
year, under a minor migratory charge.

Cuba, that has never permitted -and never 
will-the use of its territory for planning, 
funding or executing terrorist actions against 
any other state, has watched for over five 
decades how its neighbor to the North, and 
particularly Miami city, has provided safe haven 
to notorious terrorists, from before and after 
the triumph of the Revolution; funds are raised 
and provided, and bank accounts operated to 
finance their actions and those who sponsor, plan 
and carry out criminal actions against our 
country, many of them formerly or currently in 
the CIA and FBI payrolls, are allowed to use the territory.

Is terrorism no longer fashionable?

As a “guest of honor” of the terrorist 
organization Alpha ‘66 Annual Congress, held on 
February 27-28, 2010, Posada proposed to take up 
the plans of violent and paramilitary actions against Cuba.

Although the leaders of the group indicated that 
as part of a strategy they should pretend to 
transform into a political, civilian and peaceful 
party, they have ratified that terrorism is their 
main line of action and instrument to destroy the 
Revolution. Likewise, they recommended raising 
funds for purchasing new boats and equipping them 
with machine guns either to land in Cuba or to attack our coasts.

Coincidentally, on March 22, a few days after 
that congress, the residence of the Cuban 
ambassador in Guatemala was attacked with 
explosive bullets shot with grenade launchers causing material damages.

In this context, Congressman Lincoln Díaz-Balart 
makes news again. He is the number one 
cheerleader of the worst actions against our 
people, from the promotion in Capitol Hill of a 
military aggression on Cuba and the assassination 
of the Commander in Chief, to the kidnapping of 
the child Elián González or the encouragement of 
hunger strikes as a method of struggle of the mercenaries.

About to relinquish his legislative position, 
Díaz-Balart re-launched at the end of May 2010 
the terrorist organization known as La Rosa 
Blanca, created by his father a few days after 
the revolutionary victory, and of which he now 
claims to be President, with the objective of 
becoming the main boss of the Miami Mafia.

La Rosa Blanca was the first counterrevolutionary 
organization established in the US by henchmen of 
Fulgencio Batista’s dictatorship who fled Cuba 
running away from their abuses and crimes. As of 
1959, it bonded with the Central Intelligence 
Agency (CIA) and Dominican dictator Rafael 
Leónidas Trujillo to organize an uprising in the 
Escambray Mountains. It is remembered for burning 
down schools, farmers’ houses, sugarcane fields 
and textile factories wounding and maiming a 
number of people and causing large economic damage.

Why is a US Congressman reactivating such an 
organization in the 21st century? What for?

Díaz-Balart’s new chicanery can’t obscure his 
intention to receive and channel part of the 
funds worth millions allocated by the US 
government for subversion, a booty they all want 
seize, including other notorious terrorists like 
Roberto Martín Pérez and his fellow descendants 
of torturers under Batista’s dictatorship who 
also took part in the re-founding of La Rosa Blanca.

His colleague Ileana Ros-Lethinen, who won the 
nickname of ‘the Ferocious She-Wolf’ for her 
shameful role in the kidnapping of Elián 
González, is accountable for having done more 
than anyone else during her 1988 political 
campaign for the release of Orlando Bosch, a 
close friend of Enrique Ros, the legislator’s 
father. Bosch and Posada Carriles were the 
masterminds behind the action against a Cuban 
airliner that took the lives of 73 people.

In 1991, under the Administration of George Bush, 
senior, Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lethinen 
interceded with the President to have three US 
Air Force type 0-2 planes –the military version 
of the Cessna used in exploration 
missions-delivered to the Brothers to the Rescue 
group headed by José Basulto, a Playa Giron 
ex-mercenary, a terrorist and CIA agent. On July 
19, 1992, as the air operations started, the 
press for the first time published pictures of 
the aircraft handed over to that 
counterrevolutionary group, with the USAF (US Air 
Force) insignia clearly visible in a report by 
the editor of the Miami Herald, who made a flight with them.

Incited by members of Congress Ileana Ros and 
Lincoln Díaz-Balart as well as by other 
counterrevolutionary organizations in Miami, 
Brothers to the Rescue staged provocations on 
Cuban territory to damage the favorable process 
of talks initiated by the United States and Cuba 
after the Migratory Accords of 1994 and 1995.

Sponsored by the Miami Mafia, this 
counterrevolutionary group concentrated every 
effort in provoking an incident and violated 
Cuban airspace 25 times in 20 months, including 
flights over Havana City dropping various objects 
and leading to the events of February 24, 1996 and the downing of the aircraft.

Again, this provocation strained the 
Cuban-American relations and encouraged the 
adoption of the Helms-Burton Act, whose content 
makes it more difficult to find solutions in the 
future to the two countries feud, as it turned 
into law all of the measures related to the US 
economic, commercial and financial blockade.

In 2008, Ileana Ros headed another effort, this 
time for the presidential pardon of terrorist 
Eduardo Arocena, the intellectual author of the 
murder of United Nations Cuban diplomat Felix 
García Rodríguez in 1980 and the bomb blasts in 
US public places. More recently, Ros-Lethinen has 
played a major role raising funds to pay for Posada Carriles defense attorneys.

“The CANF goals are my own,” she said. This was 
her early commitment in 1989 with the terrorist 
organization that put up her candidacy and used 
all of its economic and political power to ensure 
her a seat in the US Congress. “I approve the 
possibility of someone murdering Fidel Castro,” 
she said to a British BBC documentary maker in 
March 2006, while she sat peacefully in her Washington office.

Various analysts have addressed the concern and 
expectations in the US arising from the arrest of 
Chávez Abarca, particularly among members of 
Congress and officials whose political careers 
are very closely linked to Posada, the CIA and 
CANF.  There are rumors that some of the most 
anxious are anti-Cuban New Jersey Congressmen Bob 
Menéndez and Albio Sires. The former has usually 
sponsored terrorists, from the days when his 
“adviser” for the community was Alfredo 
Chumaceiro Anillo who, on July 24, 1976, tried to 
blow up the Lincoln Center Theater during the 
performance of a troupe of Cuban artists.

Menéndez was a close friend and son-in-law of the 
late CANF director Arnaldo Monzón Plasencia, who 
not only made donations to his election campaigns 
but also contributed $25,000 to partly pay for 
the terrorist actions of 1997. His personal 
assistant for the planning and murder of said 
Cuban diplomat was José Manuel Alvarez, a.k.a. 
“The Bear.” Others involved in that assassination 
were the convict Arocena, ex chieftain of Omega 
7, and hired assassin Pedro Remón Rodríguez who 
shot our official. This crime, as many others, is still unpunished.

Another revealing link is attorney Guillermo 
Hernández, one of the most active among 
Menéndez’s consultants. He is now acting as an 
independent council to Posada Carriles to prevent 
his extradition to Venezuela and to help him face 
other charges that might be brought against him.

One of Congressman Albio Sires’ closest staff is 
Angel Manuel Alfonso Alemán, a.k.a. “La Cota”, a 
member of the terrorist commando detained in 
Puerto Rico in 1997 on board a CANF vessel on its 
way to Margarita Island, Venezuela, with the 
intention of murdering Commander in Chief Fidel 
Castro Ruz, with high power rifles, during the 
7th Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State. 
Alfonso Alemán is one of his main contacts with 
Posada Carriles and the Miami Mafia.

It doesn’t come as a surprise either that the 
notorious Cuban American National Foundation 
(CANF), which for a long time sponsored a great 
number of terrorist groups bent on damaging our 
interests, both inside and outside of the 
national territory, is now offering the public 
-just like the others- an image of moderation, 
while it funds and supplies resources for the 
provocative actions of the so-called “Ladies in 
White” and tries to promote domestic discontent, 
which they pay for with their own money and that allocated by US entities.

Targeting the Venezuelan elections

If terrorism was no longer fashionable, what was 
the purpose of Chávez Abarca’s trip to Venezuela? 
What was he doing during his suspicious movements 
around Central America? Who are behind his 
actions? What have the US officials done to 
prevent them from bringing their terrorist plans 
to fruition in Miami, El Salvador, Guatemala or 
Cuba? How effective were the measures adopted by 
the previous Salvadoran government to restrain their freedom to kill?

The detainee has already admitted the 
destabilizing plans he would have carried out in 
that sister nation, attempting to kill leaders of 
the Bolivarian process or hurt their image in 
light of the forthcoming elections on September 
26. Chávez Abarca has said that it was his 
purpose “to burn tires, promote street 
disturbances, and attack a political party to blame the other.”

He has revealed that one of the most important of 
Posada Carriles current plans is to try to sink 
ships taking oil from Venezuela to Havana. He 
also said that CANF has destined nearly $100 
million to plans against Venezuela, as it feels 
that the South American country is the “financial 
backbone” of Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia and Guatemala.

According to his statements, at the end of 
September 2005 they had plans to murder President 
Hugo Chávez. To that end, Posada instructed to use a .50 Barret rifle.

Ever since that mercenary left prison on 
September 2007, after serving a sentence for 
trafficking in stolen cars, he started working in 
coordination with Posada to act violently against 
Cuba and other ALBA nations, including attempts 
on the life of President Chávez in exchange for money.

At the time of his detention, and in order to 
ensure such objectives, he had instructions from 
his bosses in Florida to undertake intelligence 
actions in Venezuelan territory leading to the 
creation of the necessary logistics to implement covert operations.

This mercenary, who has operated with Posada’s 
support, had taken refuge in Costa Rica, Guatemala and El Salvador.

During the preliminary investigation into the 
case, the detainee has admitted that he was 
recruited as a mercenary and trained by Posada 
Carriles himself, who gave him firsthand 
instructions and paid $2,000 for every bomb blast 
in Cuba. He received the instructions during 
meetings in hotels and other places in El 
Salvador, Costa Rica and Guatemala where he met 
the terrorists of the Cuban American National 
Foundation (CANF) Arnaldo Monzón Plasencia, Pedro 
Remón Rodríguez, Guillermo Novo Sampol and Gaspar 
Jiménez Escobedo. “All of them clearly said that 
they belong to the Foundation and that Posada is 
a member of CANF in Miami,” said Chávez Abarca.

With the acquiescence of CIA and friendly presidents

He added that Posada boasted of asking for CIA 
consent every time he was to carry out one of his 
violent actions against Cuba, and that on one 
occasion he had said that the man who had 
interrupted the conversation was a CIA officer, 
his handler, who had called him on the phone. He 
also said that it was easy for him to evade the 
very few inquiries into his actions conducted by 
the FBI and the State Intelligence Office in El Salvador.

As to Posada’s personal connections in El 
Salvador, he said that he had excellent relations 
with almost every rightwing president before the 
current government. He mentioned Calderón Sol, 
Cristiani and Francisco Flores, with whom he used 
to go fishing. He also mentioned his friend 
Rodrigo Avila who was police Commissioner twice. 
“They all visited the Foundation people in Miami,” he added.

Chávez Abarca related that in 1997, when the 
Cuban TV broadcast a program showing Salvadoran 
terrorist Raúl Ernesto Cruz León exposing his 
connection to Posada Carriles and CANF, the 
former instructed him to kill the members of the 
man’s family; thus he now fears for the fate of his wife and children.

Chávez Abarca not only recruited and trained 
other Central American mercenaries previously 
arrested in Cuba -one Salvadoran and three 
Guatemalans-but he also set up bombs at the Aché 
disco and in the 15th floor of the Meliá Cohíba 
hotel, on April 12 and 30, 1997, respectively, 
and another one at the Comodoro hotel, as an 
International Chess Tournament was taking place 
with over 40 children. Some of these children 
could have been killed as they unknowingly played 
with the bag where the explosive device was camouflaged.

The bomb detected on the eve of May 1st, 1997, in 
the 15th floor of the Meliá Cohíba hotel 
contained 1.5 kilograms of the highly-destructive 
military plastic explosive C-4, capable of razing 
buildings, bridges and vessels.

In that period, the terrorist ring led by Posada 
Carriles and the CANF brought into the country 
over 30 explosive devices -18 of them in less 
than a year-11 of which blew up in various 
tourist facilities, including the one that caused 
the death of young Italian tourist Fabio Di 
Celmo, injuries to others and large material damage.

Still, there could have been thousands of 
fatalities if they had materialized plans on 
usually crowded recreational and tourist centers 
like the Tropicana cabaret, discothèques, hotels 
and monuments, all of them frustrated by the 
Cuban Sate Security with the people’s collaboration.

The CANF and those that from the US government 
incited and permitted this kind of actions had 
some obvious objectives: to build the perception 
that these actions had been executed by domestic 
opposition groups; to trigger panic and 
instability; to deal a strong blow to tourism; 
and, to make the national economy succumb to chaos.

Between 1990 and the first years of the current 
decade, coinciding with these violent actions, 
the Miami Mafia implemented more than 25 
terrorist actions in the US territory, which 
included bomb blasts, aggressions with fire 
weapons, verbal threats and provocations against 
Cuban interests, immigrants, travel agencies, 
personalities and organizations supportive of 
Cuba, and even death threats against President 
William Clinton and his Secretary of Justice 
Janet Reno for their decision to return the child Elián González.

Additionally, throughout this decade we had to 
tackle plans to assassinate the Commander in 
Chief in practically every Ibero-American Summit 
held in various capitals and during his travels 
overseas, as proven by Posada’s and his 
henchmen’s capture in fraganti in Panama, where 
in order to murder him they were willing to cause 
a genocide killing hundreds of university 
students and other participants in a function chaired by comrade Fidel.

Have such intentions left the minds of Posada 
Carriles and the bitter enemies of the Revolution 
that still hold seats in the US Congress? Will 
the current US Administration be able to curb the 
impetus and ambitions of the freeloaders and 
re-founders of old murderous organizations in the 
US territory? Will the complex US legal system 
ever put an end to the impunity of Miami, already 
in its 51st year, and do justice in the case of 
our Five Heroes who have spent more than 12 years 
enduring a cruel imprisonment?

Will there be an end to the reproduction of 
mercenaries when the threat of the coups is a 
reality in the region as tangible as 
weapon-trafficking, drug-trafficking and the 
proliferation of all sorts of gangs?

Although unjustly and inexplicably included in 
the list of state sponsors of terrorism, Cuba has 
given plenty of evidence to the US that it fights 
that scourge seriously and steadily. Despite the 
state terrorism that has been Washington’s 
official policy through five decades, there have 
been valuable bilateral exchanges of information 
on this issue, from the Cuban alert on a plan to 
murder President Ronald Reagan in 1984 to Posada 
Carriles’ intentions to revisit in 1998 an action 
similar to the Barbados crime, this time against 
airlines operating between Central America and Cuba.

At that time, June 16-17, 1998, talks were held 
with an FBI delegation which visited Havana and 
its airport facilities, received firsthand 
information of the documents available on plans, 
evidence, and personal information on the 
terrorists; their exact addresses and connections 
in the US and Central America; their modus 
operandi and false names used in their 
immigration documents; the places where they hid 
the boats for their actions; explosives and 
devices seized or the remains of those that exploded.

Impunity and injustice as a response

The US delegation took back home almost ten 
dossiers, hundreds of pages of stunning and 
irrefutable evidence, in addition to those 
discussed with them during a number of hours of 
exchanges with chiefs and experts of the Ministry 
of the Interior. Before they left, the FBI 
officer heading the mission and the chief of the 
US Interests Section in Cuba promised to respond 
within 15 days on the results of their inquiries.

Twelve years later, the only response is the 
impunity of the culprits of those repulsive 
actions who walk free and even march through the 
streets of the United States, and the injustice 
of keeping in prison five young anti-terrorist 
fighters who contributed to the detection of and 
timely alert on such plans. Their only “crime” is 
having prevented the loss of more human lives and 
larger material damage. The first result of those 
talks was the arrest of our comrades and the 
sudden stampede of the perpetrators of such crimes.

Cuba has described impunity and double-standard 
as unacceptable in the fight on terrorism, and 
has reiterated its commitment to the struggle 
against such actions.  Our country condemns every 
terrorist action, method and practice in every 
form and expression wherever they are committed, 
no matter by whom or against whom, and regardless 
of motivation. This has just been ratified at the 
UN General Assembly where we have also denounced 
the most abominable State terrorism of which we 
have been victims for over half a century.

The current US government has inherited a gloomy 
and dangerous history with a combination of 
intelligence services and unscrupulous officers; 
terrorist organizations and notorious criminals 
and mercenaries; rigged trials and 
investigations; corrupted detectives, 
prosecutors, judges, members of Congress and former government officials.

Washington has enough information to unearth the 
hidden truths that the courts need to do justice 
in the case of Posada Carriles and a number of 
other terrorists who walk free in the US; 
indispensable elements to clarify and put an end, 
once and for all, to their impunity and the 
injustice committed with our five compatriots.

The world needs the truth to prevail. It’s in the 
hands of the current US Administration, its 
intelligence services and legal authorities to 
declassify and release all the necessary 
documents to expose and punish the culprits, and 
to prevent new terrorist actions against Cuba, 
Venezuela and other member countries of ALBA, 
which are still the targets of this scourge.

Such effort cannot underestimate or ignore the 
revelations made by detainee Chávez Abarca 
concerning the plans against the forthcoming 
elections in Venezuela; the involvement of Miami 
terrorists in the coup d’état dealt in that 
fraternal nation and in Honduras as the 
investigations show or the new plots against 
democratic governments in Central America, 
mentioned by the detainee that give rise to 
questions on possible connections of members of 
the extreme right, the CIA and the Mafia in Florida.

Punishing Posada Carriles is only as fair and 
necessary as releasing the Cuban Five heroes, 
that is, if Washington wants to be consistent 
with its alleged commitment to the anti-terrorist struggle.

Cuba has plenty of reasons to defend itself and 
to continue in the struggle for justice and 
against terrorism. The 3,478 dead and 2099 
compatriots physically disabled by State 
terrorism and the continuation of the plans of 
its main authors and promoters reaffirm our 
determination not to give in to such threats.

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