[News] Hamas: PA forces are Torturing The Movement Members In West Bank Jails

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Sep 9 13:46:30 EDT 2010

Hamas - PA forces are Torturing The Movement Members In West Bank Jails

09.09.10 - 15:37


Bethlehem – PNN – Hamas sources announced on 
Thursday that many of the movement’s activists 
and leaders who were detained by the Palestinian 
Authority forces in the West Bank are being subjected to torture.

The Hamas movement says since the two separate 
attacks last week on Israeli settlers , the 
Palestinian police and security forces have 
arrested 750 Hamas members and leaders from West Bank communities.

Last Tuesday and Wednesday Al Qassam Brigades, 
the armed wing of Hamas,  attacked Israeli 
settlers and killed four them and injured two. 
Since May Israeli Settlers and army attacked left 14 Palestinians killed.

On Thursday Hamas said that the families of those 
detained by the PA forces are not allowed to see 
them and says those how managed to see their relatives say they were tortured.

Yesterday Hamas accused the PA of “collaborating 
with the Occupation” when security sources said 
that they have made progress in detaining the attackers of last week.

Hamas had been and logger heads with Fatah, 
headed by Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, 
since Hamas took total control of the Gaza Strip 
in the summer of 2006. The Islamist Hamas took 
Gaza and ended a bloody infighting with Fatah 
that lasted for months after Hamas won the elections in the same year.

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