[News] SF - Mon, Nov 15 7pm - FBI Raids and Grand Jury Subpoenas: Know Your Rights

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Nov 11 13:33:46 EST 2010

The FBI Raids and Grand Jury Subpoenas: Know Your Rights and Defend 
Our Communities
Monday, November 15, 2010

On September 24th, 2010, the FBI raided anti-war and solidarity 
activists in Chicago and Minneapolis. During the raids, the FBI took 
computers, cell phones, documents and personal family items. In 
total, 14 activists in Minnesota, Illinois, and Michigan were 
subpoenaed to appear before a Grand Jury. This type of investigation 
is a tool to repress our movements for social justice and divide our 

The 14 activists have all refused to testify in this Grand Jury investigation.

Join us to get the facts on Grand Juries, know your legal rights with 
the FBI, understand why this is happening now, and learn how our 
communities can respond!

Monday, November 15th, 2010
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Hastings College of the Law, 198 McAllister, Rm A

FREE ADMISSION, Donations Accepted

Sponsored by: National Lawyer's Guild San Francisco, Arab Resource 
and Organizing Center, Council on American Islamic Relations SF Bay 
Area, Hastings Student Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild

    * Partial Screening of New Documentary: COINTELPRO 101 | Claude 
Marks of the Freedom Archives
    * Update on the ongoing Grand Jury against Chicago and 
Minneapolis activists | Nina Farnia of the Coalition for a Safe San Francisco
    * Know Your Rights Presentation: What to do if the FBI comes 
knocking | Zahra Billoo of Council on American Islamic Relations SF Bay Area
    * What is "Material Support for Terrorism"? And how is it being 
used against our communities and our movements? | Marc Van Der Hout, 
lead attorney for the Los Angeles 8
    * Grand Juries, and how do you resist a Grand Jury subpoena? | 
John Viola of the National Lawyers Guild SF Chapter
    * How are Grand Juries used to stifle our organizing? What's the 
connection between the FBI and Grand Juries? | Scott Braley and 
Richard Brown of the SF-8
    * Question and Answer

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522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

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