[News] Israel prefers to outlaw Human Rights Organizations

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue May 25 11:26:14 EDT 2010

Adib S. Kawar – In the Zionist Entity:The 
Authorities and the Public would prefer to outlaw Human Rights Organizations!!!

<http://palestinethinktank.com/author/adib-kawar/>Adib Kawar • May 25th, 2010

“Promised Land”– news and opinion from Israel – 
Ma’ariv (p. 12) by Arik Bender, wrote an article 
dated April 29th 2010 entitled 
moves to outlaw human rights organizations in 
Israel, “Something very troubling is happening to 
“the only democracy in the Middle East”.

“More than 20 MKs, including members of 
opposition party Kadima, proposed a new bill 
which will make it possible to outlaw important 
human rights groups in Israel. Among the 
organizations mentioned in the proposed bill are 
for Human rights, 
Coalition of Woman for Peace, 
<http://www.stoptorture.org.il/en>The Public 
Committee against Torture in Israel, and 
<http://www.adalah.org/eng/index.php>Adalah: the 
Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights. All these 
organizations receive funds from the New Israeli Fund.

The article proceeded by saying: “According to a 
report in 
the new bill will outlaw any organization “which 
is involved in activity intended to lead to the 
prosecution or arrest of IDF officers and 
government officials for war crimes.”  The word 
“involved” gives it a very broad definition.

Note the phrase with which the article was 
started with: “Something very troubling is 
happening to “the only democracy in the Middle 
East”. Isn’t this more than true? More than 
probably it is, when we see that more than 20 MKs 
(The “Israeli Knesset”, which is the “Israeli” 
parliament , “proposed a new bill which will make 
it possible to outlaw important human rights 
groups in Israel”, and more than half of those 
who are considered “Israeli” support limiting and 
curbing activities of Human Rights organizations!

So what is left of democracy if the activities of 
human rights organizations are limited, curbed 
and illegitimated, especially in what is claimed 
to be the only democracy in an entire region and a central part of the world?

We mean the rights of the occupied people being 
trampled on by a certain group of people, 
including the occupier taking the liberty of 
restraining freedom of expression in addition to 
limiting the human rights of other people by 
denying them free movement. The occupiers, 
citizens of the Zionist state, illegally occupy 
and steal land other kinds of property, and have 
been doing so continually. Not only is property 
their concern, but they take the lives of the 
occupied people, be they young or old, by any 
sort of assassination or targeting. Let us not 
forget how they demolish and then take possession 
of the property of Palestinian Arabs and throw 
their residents in the street to be replaced by Zionist racist invaders.

We mean in an entity where the death penalty by 
its courts is banned against its citizens, but 
where its executive body and its elected 
juridical body, including its supreme court of 
justice, the highest judicial body, permits its 
executive body to overturn law to permit 
assassination of those it chooses by its armed 
forces or intelligence, whether internal or 
external. This means that the death penalty is 
not permitted by law against the entity’s first 
class citizens belonging to a certain religious 
faith, which the state claims to assume this 
religious character, but it certainly may be 
imposed on other categories of citizens and 
occupied non-citizens who belong to other religious faiths and ethnicities.

We mean this entity which permits itself to 
threaten its neighbors in Arab and non-Arab 
states and resistance forces and punishes them 
just because they dare to arm themselves. An 
occupied people is entitled to arm themselves by 
prescriptions of international law so as to 
enable themselves to defend their sovereignty 
with effective arms and weapons. They do this 
because it is their right. They must simply 
“break the existing balance of power with an 
illegal entity” that uprooted an entire 
population from its ancestral homeland, an entity 
that owns formidable conventional and 
unconventional arsenals of arms and weapons. 
These arsenals have allowed this rogue entity to 
wage an unending series of wars and terror 
operations against the indigenous population of 
the land it occupied with the aim of replacing 
them, as well as threatening its Arab neighbors 
and far away non-Arab and non-neighboring 
countries with demolition and destruction, just 
because they want to develop their lands and strengthen their citizens.

We mean this entity that issues an order it calls 
No 132 by the strength of which it is legal to 
put infants on trial and imprison them.

A public opinion poll published in the “Israeli” 
daily Haaretz showed that the majority of Jews in 
occupied Palestine desired to curb the activities 
of human rights organizations, and wants to 
punish those who uncover unethical and illegal 
military activities and also to strike the press 
that publishes information about that. The 
results of this poll simply demonstrate how 
undemocratic the Zionist entity is and what 
little interest and respect for human rights its 
first class citizens have. This extends as well 
into the public and governmental bodies, at all 
branches, executive, judicial and legislative.

We mean in this entity where prisoners of war who 
number about 8,000 in the prisons and detention 
camps of Zionist occupation who suffer from 
catastrophic health conditions and health care 
that is almost unavailable, and in most cases the 
detention is harmful for their health if not 
deadly, which the occupation authorities subject 
them to in order to achieve certain special aims. 
Reports said that in addition to that Zionist 
doctors who practice various types of torture 
against the prisoners of war, these doctors use 
them for experiments for “Israeli” pharmaceutical 
companies. Also proved reports said that the 
Zionist entity and those belonging to it steal 
organs of Palestinian Arab martyrs and these 
organs become valuable merchandise.

This poll showed that a majority of the Jewish 
inhabitants of occupied Palestine are Zionist by 
all means of the word, and not simply people who 
belong to the Jewish faith and respect human 
rights and human dignity irrespective of their religious faith or ethnicity.

The published poll results exposed the racism of 
the vast majority of Jewish faith inhabitants 
though many of their presence in occupied 
Palestine is illegal in every international statute regarding occupation.

The poll said that the vast majority of 
“Israelis” want to severely curtail, or in a less 
drastic, but still scandalous way, they at least 
support limiting activities of Human Rights 
organizations, and believe it is just to punish 
not the perpetrator of human rights abuses but 
rather anyone who uncovers unethical and illegal 
military actions. They believe it is crucial to 
bar the press from publishing anything about that.

The poll revealed that almost six “Israelis” out 
of ten, a massive 58% of those canvassed, 
declared that human rights organization should 
not be allowed to uncover unethical “Israeli” 
practices nor should they be permitted to 
practice their activities freely, while half of 
them,  51%, said that there is excessive freedom of expression in “Israel”.

56% said that that “Israelis” who support 
punishing the “Jewish state” or boycotting it should themselves be punished.

73% support severely punishing journalists who 
publish reports that uncover information about 
unethical and illegal activities committed by the 
“Israeli” army and/or the (Shabak).

64% see that the “Israeli” press should not be 
allowed to publish reports that security bodies 
consider to cause danger to public security.

42% said “Israelis” should not be allowed to 
publish reports of Palestinian sources, which 
puts the army in a negative position, even if 
what was written had proven to be correct.

We ask ourselves and we ask you, is it not time 
to outlaw an entity that has such little 
tolerance for human rights and democracy before 
this tendency brings more suffering and disaster to the region?

The original Arabic will be inserted shortly
also on <http://gulagnik.wordpress.com>http://gulagnik.wordpress.com

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