[News] The Third Intifada: "Day Of Rage" And "Day Of Infamy"

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Fri Mar 19 11:06:24 EDT 2010


The Third Intifada: "Day Of Rage" And "Day Of Infamy"

By Agustin Velloso

18 March, 2010|

It seems that yesterday, March 16th, the third Intifada of the 
Israeli era was unofficially started. Those that took place before 
1948 are seldom mentioned, as if resistance was a new occurrence.

People forget the Arab Brigades and the freedom fighters like Izzedin 
al-Qassam, who were very active during the first half of the 
twentieth century. This one was teacher, sheikh, and also a workers, 
peasants and guerrillas leader. Contrary to Abu Mazen, al Qassam 
faced with all his strength the French, the British and the Zionists 
until he died with honour.

Palestinians will see more suffering the months ahead. Before the 
martyrs' blood is spilled again in al-Aqsa compound, as it happened 
back in September 28th of 2000, under Sharon's orders, it is time to 
celebrate this Palestinian uprising.

Similar to what people chanted during the second Intifada, in memory 
of the dozens of Palestinians killed that day, today it can be heard: 
Long live the Palestinian struggle! Down with the occupation! To hell 
with these peace conversations! End the Gaza's siege!

People who have a short memory should be reminded that it was George 
Mitchell who chaired the international commission in charge of 
reporting about the killing of dozens of Palestinian worshipers by 
the guns of the Israeli police forces.

Another notable Zionist, Javier Solana, was also a member of the 
commission. It concluded that Palestinians worshipers -the victims- 
were responsible for what happened, although the Israeli security 
personnel - the shooters-, were sent to the area to attack them.

Naturally, in the following years -the December 2008 attack against 
Gaza excluded- the Israeli forces killed more than 4000 Palestinians. 
Why should not they?

Who is Obama's special envoy to the Middle East today? Mr. Mitchell! 
The guy has been in the area longer than the pyramids, albeit without 
any merit. He will soon become a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize, 
once he has also taught at the Applied Global Ethics School, whatever 
this may be, and chaired the Walt Disney Company (or perhaps is the 
other way round).

Back then, Solana had already shown remorse to the masters of the 
world for his booklet "50 reasons to say no to NATO". Kosovo was the 
best way he found to say to them: I am sorry, it was just a juvenile 
sin, now I will bomb Serbia without the UN approval, will attack 
civil targets and kill civilians.

It is almost sure that he competes against Mitchell for that Prize. 
His contribution to European peace and moral progress has been 
rewarded with the Charlemagne Prize in 2007. Besides, his steady 
support for Zionism places him amongst the best candidates.

The "day of rage" for rank and file Palestinians is the "day of 
infamy" for Abu Mazen and the Palestinian Authority. Children 
throwing stones to armoured vehicles, women with flags in their hands 
facing 3000 Israeli policemen, and the PA talking to Israelis through 
envoys, mediators and secret channels?

"Day of infamy" also for Western media, where Palestinians are blamed 
for demonstrating and defending themselves against the robbers and 
colonizers of their land. Their living conditions are seldom 
mentioned, although they live in the West Bank imprisoned by an 
illegal wall and hundreds of military checkpoints, under siege in 
Gaza, and as refugees scattered around the world without the right of return.

Media hardly mention that Palestinians live under continuous threat 
of Israeli attacks while the UN, the Quartet and the "international 
community" do nothing but asking Israel for some restraint, 
regretting the loss of life and encouraging Palestinians to engage in 
fruitless peace conversations with their killers. Nothing about 
stopping Israeli violations of international law, but financing the 
PA police forces in charge of repressing Palestinians, so Israel does 
not have to do it very much in the open

Everything is against Palestinians. However, Palestinians do not give 
up, cannot be broken, on the contrary, the Intifadas keep on going. 
This in spite of the thousands of Palestinians still reeling from the 
insane attack of December 2008, and the millions who carry the burden 
of Israeli aggression since 1948.

There is no doubt that they are willing to resist and to die before 
leaving the land to the Zionist burglars and their supporters. 
Zionists are well aware of this, but they stubbornly believe that 
military power and US plus EU support, will allow them to expel them 
all or kill them if necessary.

Those who stand by "justice, then peace in Palestine" ought to side 
with the Palestinians and support their resistance. To do otherwise 
is to side with the aggressors and share their infamy.

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