[News] Israeli Government Asked The US For More Weapons

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Tue Jun 8 14:25:14 EDT 2010

Report: Israeli Government Asked The US For More Weapons


  Tuesday June 08, 2010 09:50
 by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC News 
Report post


During his most recent visit to the US, Israeli Prime Minister 
Binyamin Netanyahu requested that the US provide him with Joint 
Direct Attack Munition bombs, rockets, aircraft ammunition and other 
weapons to vastly increase the "emergency stores" of weapons held by 
the US in Israel.

Israeli forces used Joint Direct Attack Munition bombs during its 
2006 invasion of Lebanon, and its 2009 assault on Gaza. In both of 
these invasions, the Israeli use of these U.S. supplied weapons 
resulted in heavy civilian casualties among those attacked by the Israeli army.

The Joint Direct Attack Munition bombs are constructed by the US 
weapons manufacturer Boeing, which claims that the bombs are 
free-fall bombs converted into guided missiles. Israeli officials say 
the bombs are needed for an upcoming prolonged, protracted war that 
would extensively utilize the Israeli airforce, according to Israeli sources.

The Israeli sources also claimed that Netanyahu, along with Israeli 
Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Defense Ministry Director-General Udi 
Shani, have requested on multiple occasions in recent months that the 
US government double its so-called 'emergency stores' of weapons 
inside Israel in order to prepare for this planned protracted war. 
Although the report did not name any country, Israel's recent threats 
against Iran make it clear that this is the potential 'protracted 
war' that is referenced in these requests.

Currently, the US stores of weapons in Israel are estimated at around 
$800 million worth of weapons, but Israel would like the US 
government to increase the store to $1.2 billion worth of weapons. 
These weapons stores were created by the Obama administration in 
December 2009, in preparation for a potential war, or to assist US 
forces currently fighting other wars in the Middle East. The US 
military is free to use the weapons from these stores as needed, and 
Israeli forces can use them with U.S. government permission.

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