[News] Fidel on the nuclear war nobody is talking about

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Mon Jun 28 10:35:49 EDT 2010

Fidel again on the nuclear war nobody is talking about

Posted: 27 Jun 2010 09:59 PM PDT

Knowing the Truth in Time - 

Fidel Castro Ruz

Translation: Machetera

When writing each one of my previous Reflections, 
while a catastrophe for humanity is rapidly 
approaching, my greatest concern has been to 
perform the basic duty of informing our people.

Today I’m calmer than I’ve been for 26 days.  As 
things continue to happen at short notice, I can 
reiterate and add to the reports presented to Cuban and international opinion.

Obama has promised to attend the World Cup 
quarter-finals on July 2nd, if his country 
advances from the second round.  He should know 
better than anyone that these quarter-finals may 
not take place since very serious events will 
take place before then, or at least he ought to know that.

On Friday, June 25th, an international news 
agency known for its close attention to detail in 
its reports, published the declarations of the 
“commander of the elite Navy corps of the Islamic 
Revvolutionary Guard, General Ali Fadavi” warning 
that if the United States and its allies 
inspect Iranian ships in international waters, 
they will receive a response in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz."

The information came from the Iranian Mehr news agency.

The Mehr dispatch reported: “Fadavi added that 
the Navy of the Revolutionary Guards has at its 
disposal hundreds of ships equipped with missile launchers.”

The information which emerged at practically the 
same time it was published in Granma, or before, 
was on certain points practically a carbon copy 
of the paragraphs from my Reflection, produced on 
June 24th and published in Granma on Friday, the 25th.

The coincidence can be explained by the basic use 
of logical reasoning that I always apply.  I don’t speak a word of Farsi.

I don’t doubt in the least that as soon as the 
U.S. and Israeli warships occupy their positions 
along with the rest of the U.S. military ships 
located near the Iranian coastline and try to 
inspect the first merchant ship from that 
country, a shower of missiles will be set off in 
all directions.  It will be the exact moment in 
which the terrible war will begin.  It’s 
impossible to predict how many ships will sink, nor under which flag.

The most important thing for our people is that they know the truth in time.

It doesn’t matter that by instinct, almost 
everyone, perhaps 99.9% of my fellow countrymen, 
remain hopeful and agree with me in a sincere 
desire to be mistaken.  I have spoken with people 
in the closest circles and have simultaneously 
received news from many noble, devoted and 
dutiful citizens, who upon reading my Reflections 
do not challenge their considerations in the 
least, but assimilate, believe and ingest the 
reasoning I set forward, yet immediately dedicate 
their time to carrying out the work to which their energies are devoted.

That’s exactly what we wish for our 
countrymen.  What would be worse would be for 
then to suddenly be made aware of news of serious 
events, without having heard any news whatsoever 
beforehand about such possibilities, thereby 
falling into confusion and panic, something 
undignified for as heroic a people as the Cubans 
who were on the brink of being targeted for a 
massive nuclear attack in October of 1959, and 
never wavered for a moment in carrying out their duties.

While carrying out heroic internationalist 
missions, courageous combatants and commanders of 
our Revolutionary Armed Forces were on the verge 
of being victims of nuclear attacks against the 
Cuban troops who were approaching the southern 
Angolan border, where the racist South African 
troops had been displaced after the battle of 
Cuito Cuanavale, and had entrenched themselves along the border with Namibia.

The Pentagon, with the knowledge of the President 
of the United States, supplied the racist South 
Africans with some 14 nuclear weapons, through 
Israel, weapons that were more powerful than 
those dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima 
and Nagasaki, as we’ve explained in other Reflections.

We are neither novices nor meddlers in this complicated matter.

In the nuclear aftermath, what will happen in the 
rest of the Spanish speaking Americas can be predicted.

In such circumstances, there'll be no talk of 
capitalism or socialism; only a stage of 
administering the goods and services available in 
this part of the continent.  Inevitably those who 
today head each country will continue to govern, 
some of whom are very close to socialism and 
others filled with euphoria by the opening of a 
world market that today opens itself to fuels, 
uranium, copper, lithium, aluminum, iron and 
other metals that today are being sent to the 
rich, developed countries that will suddenly disappear.

Abundant food supplies that are today being 
exported to this world market will also disappear abruptly.

In such circumstances, the most basic products 
required to live: food, water, fuel and the 
resources of the hemisphere to the south of the 
United States, are abundant enough to support a 
bit of civilization, whose uncontrolled advances 
have led humanity to such a disaster.

There are, however, still many 
uncertainties.  Will the two most powerful 
nuclear powers, the United States and Russia, be 
able to abstain from launching their nuclear 
weapons at one another?  What is not in doubt in 
the least is that from Europe, the nuclear 
weapons belonging to the allies of the United 
States and Israel, Great Britain and France – who 
enthusiastically supported the resolution that 
will inevitably trigger the war which, for 
reasons already explained, will immediately go 
nuclear – threaten Russian territory, although 
just like China, that country has tried to avoid 
forceful measures and each of their possibilities.

The economy of the superpower will collapse like 
a house of cards.  U.S. society is the least 
prepared to support a catastrophe such as the one 
the empire has created in the same territory where it was born.

We don’t know what the environmental effects will 
be of the nuclear weapons that will inevitably 
explode in various parts of our planet, and that, 
under the least serious scenario, will explode in abundance.

To conjecture a serious hypothesis would be pure science fiction on my part.

Fidel Castro Ruz
June 27th, 2010
2:15 p.m.

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