[News] Cointelpro 101 and Workshop at US Social Forum 6/23 & 6/24

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Jun 17 17:41:41 EDT 2010

The Freedom Archives will premiere our new film 
Cointelpro 101 at the US Social Forum in Detroit


Film Festival on Wednesday, June 23rd – 8:30 pm at the AFSCME Building

And at the workshop COINTELPRO-Then and Now  on 
Thursday, June 24th 1-5:30 pm in COBO HALL D0-01A

With Ashanti Alston – former Panther & BLA political prisoner
Ward Churchill - Native activist and COINTELPRO expert
Ricardo Jimenez – independentista & former Puerto Rican political prisoner
Mabel Williams – forced into exile with Robert F 
Williams by the FBI for organizing Black community self-defense
Premiere showing of COINTELPRO 101­by the Freedom Archives

Luce Guillen Givins – RNC 8 conspiracy defendant
Monami Maulik ­ DRUM­Desis Rising Up & Moving­on 
repression of MASA (Muslim, Arab, South Asian) communities post 9/11
Natsu Saito ­ attorney and expert on human rights & race
Ron Scott ­ Detroit Coalition Against Police 
Brutality on the recent FBI murder of Imam Luqman 
Ameen Abdullah & Detroit police murder of Aiyana Jones.

Co-sponsored and co-facilitated by the Malcolm X 
Grassroots Movement, the US Human Rights Network, and the Freedom Archives

Cointelpro 101 is a compelling account of the 
illegal surveillance, infiltration, repression, 
and targeted assassinations committed by US 
government agencies from the 1950s to the 1970s. 
COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter-Intelligence 
Program) was an official, top-secret FBI program 
under the direction of the now infamous J. Edgar 
Hoover, designed to divide and destroy a wide 
range of movements for social justice, and to 
slander, imprison, and “neutralize” leaders at 
both community and national levels­a virtual war 
against radical and progressive movements in the 
United States. The film, narrated by former 
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, features in-depth 
interviews with leading activists who experienced 
these abuses firsthand, with rare footage and 
historical and legal commentary. Cointelpro 101 
provides a pointed and moving educational 
introduction to this period of intense repression 
and draws relevant lessons in a new era 
characterized by the Patriot Act and other challenges to constitutional rights.

Many dedicated people have made Cointelpro 101 
possible­now we need your contributions to see 
the film all the way through and ensure its 
distribution. We plan to use the film to further 
expose the history of government attacks against 
liberation movements, demand the release of 
political prisoners, and strengthen protests against current repression.

Cointelpro 101’s impact and widespread 
distribution will only be assured by your continued support.

Please take a moment to write us a check or go 
online to contribute or become a monthly 
sustainer <http://www.freedomarchives.org>www.freedomarchives.org

Thanks so much to all of you who have already 
donated. We deeply appreciate your support!

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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