[News] Weekly Report on Palestine Human Rights: 6 killed, 3 wounded by Israeli forces

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Fri Jun 11 16:55:54 EDT 2010

Weekly Report on Palestine Human Rights: 6 killed, 3 wounded by Israeli forces


  Friday June 11, 2010 10:59
 by Saed Bannoura

In its Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights 
Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 
during the week of 03– 09 June 2010, the 
Palestinian Center for Human Rights found that 1 
Palestinian civilian and 5 resistance fighters 
were killed by Israeli forces. In addition, 2 
Palestinian civilians and 1 resistance fighter 
were wounded by Israeli gunfire in the West Bank.

Israeli forces continued to use force against 
peaceful protests in the West Bank. 4 
demonstrators, including a child, were wounded 
and 4 journalists sustained bruises. Israeli 
forces continued to fire at Palestinian farmers 
and workers in border areas of the Gaza Strip. 4 
journalists also sustained bruises when they were beaten by Israeli forces.

Israeli attacks in the West Bank:

In the West Bank, on 03 June 2010, 2 Palestinian 
children were wounded by an Israeli settler at 
the entrance of al-'Arroub refugee camp, north of Hebron.

During the reporting period, Israeli forces 
conducted at least 11 military incursions into 
Palestinian communities in the West Bank, during 
which they abducted 16 Palestinian civilians, 
including 4 children. They also abducted 6 human 
rights defenders, including 3 Israelis.

Israeli troops stationed at military checkpoints 
in the West Bank abducted 1 Palestinian civilian.

Israel has continued to take measures aimed at 
creating a Jewish demographic majority in 
Jerusalem. To that end, Israeli forces cancelled 
permanent residences of 4 Members of the 
Palestinian Legislative Council in Jerusalem.

Israeli forces stormed and searched Beit Hanina 
Club. Israeli forces closed Wad Hilwa road in Silwan village.

During the reporting period, Israeli forces 
canceled the permanent residence in occupied 
Jerusalem of 4 members of the Palestinian 
Legislative Council (PLC), from the Change and 
Reform Bloc affiliated to Hamas, and expelled 
them from the city to the West Bank. The 4 PLC 
Members are: Mohammed Abu Tair; Ahmed 'Atwan; 
Mohammed Toutah; and Eng. Khaled Abu 'Arafa. All 
4 became PLC Members following the January 2006 
Palestinian legislative elections; they were 
abducted by Israeli Occupation Forces (Israeli 
forces) following the capture of an Israeli 
soldier, Gilad Shalit, in the Gaza Strip in 2006. 
The 4 PLC members were released after serving 
their prison sentences. The cancellation of their 
permanent residence was based on a decision by 
former Israeli Interior Minister, Ron Bar'oun, 
under allegations of "breaking loyalty to the 
state" and participating in the Palestinian legislative elections.

On 06 June 2010, Israeli forces closed Wad Hilwa 
Street in Silwan village to the south of the old 
city of Jerusalem for vehicles. Israeli 
bulldozers conducted work on the road, which 
caused cracks and collapses. An Israeli plan for 
Silwan village includes the establishment of a 
network of tunnels under the village.

Israeli Annexation Wall:

During the reporting period, Israeli forces used 
force against peaceful demonstrations organized 
by Palestinian civilians and international and 
Israeli human rights defenders in protest of the 
construction of the Annexation Wall and 
settlement activities. At least 4 civilians, 
including a child, were wounded. 4 journalists 
sustained bruises and others suffered from tear gas inhalation.

Following the Friday Prayer on 04 June 2010, 
dozens of Palestinian civilians and international 
and Israeli human rights defenders organized a 
peaceful demonstration in protest against the 
construction of the Annexation Wall in Bil'ein 
village, west of Ramallah. The demonstrators 
carried an incarnate of the Turkish Marmara ship, 
which was attacked by the Israeli navy, and 
raised Palestinian flags and those of 32 
countries whose citizens joined the Gaza aid 
flotilla. The demonstrators moved towards the 
Wall and attempted to access annexed lands behind 
it. Immediately, Israeli troops fired 
rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear 
gas canisters at the demonstrators. As a result, 
3 demonstrators were hit by tear gas canisters.

4 journalists also sustained bruises. Israeli 
forces also abducted 3 demonstrators.

'Arraf and Shalif were released later, while Abu 
Rahma remained in custody. Additionally, dozens 
of demonstrators suffered from tear gas 
inhalation and some of them sustained bruises.

· Also following the Friday Prayer on 04 June 
2010, dozens of Palestinian civilians and 
international and human rights defenders 
organized a peaceful demonstration in Ne'lin 
village, west of Ramallah, in protest against the 
construction of the Annexation Wall. They clashed 
with Israeli forces troops positioned near the 
Wall. Israeli forces troops fired rubber-coated 
metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters 
at demonstrators. As a result, 'Eissa 'Awadh 
'Amira, 17, was wounded by a rubber-coated metal 
bullet to the back. Additionally, dozens of 
demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises.

Also following the Friday Prayer on 04 June 2010, 
dozens of Palestinian civilians and international 
and Israeli human rights defenders organized a 
peaceful demonstration in Nabi Saleh village, 
northwest of Ramallah, in protest against land 
confiscations in the Wad al-Raya area between the 
villages of Nabi Saleh and Deir Nizam. When the 
demonstrators attempted to reach areas of land 
seized by Israeli settlers near "Halmish" 
settlement, Israeli troops fired rubber-coated 
metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters 
at them. A number of demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation.

At 12:00 on Friday, 04 June 2010, dozens of 
Palestinian civilians, international and Israeli 
human rights defenders and a number of 
Palestinian political leaders, including Hanin 
Zo'bi, member of the Israeli Knesset; PLC member 
Qais 'Abdul Karim and Moheeb 'Awad; and Dr. Leila 
Ghannam, Governor of Ramallah, organized a 
peaceful demonstration of "Return to Latron 
Villages." They gathered in Nouba village, west 
of Ramallah, and moved towards the annexation 
walls. When they attempted to cross towards land 
isolated by the wall, Israeli troops fired 
rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas 
canisters at them. A number of demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation.

On Wednesday morning, 09 June 2010, dozens of 
Palestinian civilians and international and 
Israeli human rights defenders organized a 
peaceful demonstration in protest to the 
construction of the Annexation Wall in al-Walaja 
village, northwest of Bethlehem. Israeli forces 
attacked the demonstration and abducted Dr. Mazen 
Qamsiya, Director of the Palestinian Centre for 
Rapprochement Between People, and 2 Israeli human 
rights defenders: Shai Ghalatzi; and Yutam Wolf.

Israeli settlement activities;

Israeli forces have continued settlement 
activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers 
have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

2 Palestinian children were wounded by an Israeli 
settler in Hebron. According to investigations 
conducted by PCHR and a testimony by Mahmoud 
'Aaref Tafesh, 17, at approximately 09:40 on 
Thursday, Mr. Tafesh and his classmates attended 
a picnic in a wooded area in the northwest of 
al-'Arroub refugee camp. As he and his 
companions­Hisham Jamal al-Titi, 17, Mo'taz Mousa 
'Omran, 16, and Ibrahim Mohammed al-Biss, 
16­arrived at road #60 (Hebron-Bethlehem road), 
near an Israeli military observation tower, an 
Israeli settler stopped his car nearly 3 meters 
away from them, exited his car and fired his 
pistol at the children. As a result, 2 children were wounded

Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip:

On June 6th at 3 am, Israeli forces shot and 
killed 3 men diving underwater off the coast of 
Gaza. The Palestinian media quoted sources of the 
al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades as saying that members 
of the Brigades wearing diving suits were 
training in the sea, nearly 1 kilometer away from 
al-Zahraa' beach, whereupon Israeli naval troops 
intercepted and fired at them. The Israeli media 
quoted sources of Israeli forces as saying that 
the Israeli navy foiled an attempt of infiltration into Israel through the sea.

In the Gaza Strip, on 07 June 2010, 1 Palestinian 
civilian and 5 activists of the Palestinian 
resistance were wounded by Israeli forces in the 
sea off the coast of the al-Zahraa' beach, southwest of Gaza City.

On the same day, an Israeli aircraft fired a 
missile at a Palestinian resistance activist in 
the northern Gaza Strip, wounding him with shrapnel.

Also on June 7th, a Palestinian civilian was 
wounded when Israeli troops stationed at the 
border between the Gaza Strip and Israel fired at 
workers who were collecting construction aggregate.

In the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces conducted 1 
limited incursion into Palestinian areas, during 
which they leveled previously razed areas of land.

Israel has continuously closed all border 
crossings to the Gaza Strip for over two and a 
half years. The illegal Israeli-imposed siege of 
Gaza, which has steadily tightened since June 
2007, has had a disastrous impact on the 
humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip.

1.5 million people are being denied their basic 
rights, including freedom of movement and the 
right to appropriate living conditions, work, health and education.

Recommendations to the international community:

Due to the number and severity of Israeli human 
rights violations this week, the PCHR made a 
number of recommendations to the international 
community. Among these were a recommendation that 
the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva 
Convention convene a conference to take effective 
steps to ensure Israel's respect of the 
Convention in the Occupied Palestinian 
Territories and to provide immediate protection for Palestinian civilians.

The PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties 
to the Fourth Geneva Convention to comply with 
its legal obligations detailed in Article 146 of 
the Convention to search for and prosecute those 
responsible for grave breaches, namely war crimes.

For the full text of the report, click on the link below:
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