[News] 107 Israeli Crimes Against Palestinian Journalists

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Thu Jun 10 10:44:30 EDT 2010

107 Israeli Crimes Against Palestinian Journalists

<http://palestinethinktank.com/author/guest-post/>Guest Post • Jun 10th, 2010

“Israel perpetrated 107 attacks and violations 
against Palestinian journalist’s rights since the 
start of 2010” said the secretary general and 
president of the 
<http://pjs-pal.com/ar/>Palestinian Journalist 
Syndicate (PJS), Professor Abed Al-Nasser Al-Najjar.

He stated that the Israeli attacks included 
beating the journalists, breaking their cameras, 
preventing them from covering events, shooting at 
them deliberately, arresting and jailing them, 
fabricating serious charges, fining them, 
imposing high financial fines before releasing 
them from detention, declaring the area of work 
of journalists as military zones, denying them 
the access to occupied Jerusalem.

Al-Najjar said that the last attack against the 
Palestinian journalists took place last week, 
after a number of journalists, among them people 
from Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya crews went to 
Ashdod to cover the crime of piracy of the 
Israeli commandos, in which they abducted the 
fleet of freedom and all those were on board. He 
added that the Israeli police have beaten up the 
Palestinian journalists and that they allowed 
dozens of armed extremist settlers to assault them and damage their cameras.

  Al-Najjar added that a number of the 
journalists who went to Ashdod are Israeli 
citizens from occupied Jerusalem, and that they 
also hold the so-called (GPO) press card. 
However, they were attacked with all cruelty and 
brutality. He said: “The PJS members visited the 
office Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya in solidarity 
with them. We heard the full details of what 
happened in Ashdod and we documented the criminal 
attack. We submitted an urgent message to the 
<http://www.ifj.org/en>International Federation 
of Journalist (IFJ) and to Makram Mohammad Ahmad, 
the secretary general of the 
Federation of Journalists (AFJ), demanding them 
to take a firm stand against the Israeli crimes”.

Al-Najjar clarified that the PJS had asked the 
AJU to call their members for an emergency 
meeting in which they could discuss the 
possibility of filing complaints at the international courts against Israel.

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