[News] Israeli military destroys Palestinian village

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jul 21 12:43:08 EDT 2010

Israeli military destroys Palestinian village


  Wednesday July 21, 2010 17:22
 by Brian Ennis - IMEMC & Agencies 
Report post


The Israeli military demolished an entire village in the Jordan 
Valley after declaring it within a closed military zone.

The Israeli occupation force destroyed an entire village Monday 
morning in the Jordan valley after most residents had left when the 
Civil Administration cut off the last of their water, according to Haaretz.

55 structures were destroyed by the Israeli military in Farasiya, 
leaving the 120 farmers, laborers and their families without homes.

The Israelis say they posted eviction notices declaring the area a 
live fire zone but received no appeals challenging the declaration.

The residents were mostly shepherds and those that worked the land of 
families in the nearby town of Tubas.

This is the culmination of a number of policies by Israel to choke 
the people of water and ultimately into leaving the land. A few years 
ago the army destroyed a pipe the residents had laid to bring water 
from a nearby stream into their farms and for drinking.

Last year they forbid the residents from connecting to wells made by 
Mekorot Water Company. They have since been pumping saltwater to the 
surface for their livestock and having water brought in by tanker, 
until four months ago when the Civil Administration confiscated the pumps.

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