[News] Support Rebuilding Haiti with the Democratic Movement

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jan 27 11:24:02 EST 2010

action.haiti at gmail.com

Rebuilding Haiti with the Democratic Movement

In the aftermath of the devastating 7.0 earthquake, Haitian children, 
women, and men are now suffering through a man-made disaster.  Over 
one week ago, Obama promised that "The people of Haiti will have the 
full support of the United States in the urgent effort to rescue 
those trapped beneath the rubble, and to deliver the humanitarian 
relief." But instead of delivering on this commitment, he has allowed 
the military response to take priority, resulting in thousands of 
preventable deaths.

As Haitians organize to rebuild their lives in the midst of an 
escalated military occupation, we demand that the Obama 
administration stop its destructive interference in Haiti.  Haitians 
must be at the head of relief efforts and the longterm rebuilding of 
their country. Fanmi Lavalas, the democratic grassroots movement of 
Haiti, must be at the center of any legitimate rebuilding process.

On behalf of our sisters and brothers in Haiti who have yet to see 
any relief and are beginning the process of reconstructing their 
country, we make the following demands on the Obama administration:

The US military must IMMEDIATELY stop obstructing the distribution of 
water, food, and other emergency aid to the survivors urgently in 
need. Obama must instruct the Marines to stop impeding the relief and 
rescue efforts of aid workers. They should be delivering food and 
medical equipment to the Aristide Foundation and other centers where 
people have gathered for refuge.

Haitians must be free to coordinate and lead the relief efforts and 
the long term rebuilding of their country.

Jean-Bertrand Aristide, ousted by a US-backed coup in 2004, must be 
allowed to return to Haiti immediately and safely.

Lavalas must be allowed to participate in free, democratic 
elections.  The ban on Lavalas in the upcoming elections must be revoked.

The military occupation of Haiti by the United States and the United 
Nations must end once and for all.

We hold the US government accountable for its role in preventing 
relief efforts and undermining the Haitian grassroots who are 
organizing to rebuild their country.   To stand in solidarity with 
Haiti at this crucial time, please contact US government officials, 
your local senators, and representatives with these demands.

White House: 202-456-1111
Email at <http://www.whitehouse.gov>www.whitehouse.gov
US State Department: 202-647-4000
US Congresspersons: 202-647-4000

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