[News] ALBA Declaration on Haiti - ALBA countries allocate $120 m

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jan 27 10:40:44 EST 2010

Final Declaration of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Political Council of
the ALBA, January 25, 2010.

Following is the full text of the final declaration of the meeting at the
Miraflores Palace, on Monday, between President Hugo Chávez, the Prime
Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit and the foreign
ministers of the member countries of ALBA:

Special Meeting of the Political Council of the Bolivarian Alliance for the
Peoples of Our America, Treaty of Commerce of the People

The member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our
America, Treaty of Commerce of the People (ALBA-TCP), an extraordinary
meeting in Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, concerned about the
grave situation in the sister Caribbean nation of Haiti.

The countries of ALBA-TCP expressed their solidarity with the brotherly
people and Government of Haiti, and again expressed their deepest
condolences for the loss of human lives resulting from the earthquake on
Tuesday 12 January 2010.

They stressed that efforts to rebuild Haiti must have the people and
government of that country as the principal protagonists, respecting the
principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as the broader,
equitable, participatory and transparent joint work of the international
community in the reconstruction of Haiti..

They stressed the central role of coordination, harmonization and management
control, which corresponds to the Organization of the United Nations in the
international cooperative effort to address the emergency in Haiti and help
rebuild and promote the development of that sister nation.

They expressed concern over the excessive presence of foreign military
forces in Haiti, with no reasons justifying precision and without his
authority, purposes, responsibilities and length of stay, which threatens to
further complicate the conditions on the ground and the realization of
the international

They approved the comprehensive ALBA project for emergency relief,
rehabilitation and reconstruction of Haiti in the area of health, bringing
together the efforts of countries of ALBA-TCP and leveraging the experience
of cooperation with that country and conditions already established in
the ground.

This project provides the assurance from the viewpoint of logistics,
infrastructure, transportation, technical support and supply.

They agreed to send a high-level representation of the ALBA-TCP to hold a
meeting with President René Préval, to move the willing cooperation of the
NATO countries and propose the Comprehensive Cooperation Project, within
which, the area of health will be the central element.

They confirmed the willingness of the ALBA-TCP to cooperate with other
countries and groupings of countries in a position to help, always with a
view to alleviating the situation of the Haitian people and contribute to
their development requirements.

The instructed the Bank of ALBA to establish the Humanitarian Fund of the
ALBA-TCP for Haiti, which will be formed from contributions from member
countries of the Alliance.

They revived plans to support the generation of electricity, ensuring all
the necessary fuel supply to plants in Cape Haitian, Gonaives and Carrefour,
as well as continued support through PETROCARIBE energy.

They deployed a plan calling for priority attention to children, which
combines educational infrastructure rehabilitation in Haiti and food aid
programs, school equipment, teacher training.

They agreed to supply food to ease the crisis triggered by the collapse of
production networks and distribution of food, caused by the earthquake, as
well as revitalize and strengthen the food production plans that were being
implemented within the framework of the ALBA Food.

They considered a possible amnesty to regularize the immigration status of
Haitians living in the countries of ALBA-TCP.

They called in specialists from each of our countries to formulate their
recommendations on the approach of a reconstruction plan in line with the
actual capacity of the ALBA countries and with the deepest needs in the
field, a plan for demolition and reconstruction.

They agreed to utilise the logistical capacity of the CITGO oil company in
the United States, for the acquisition and transfer to Haiti of inputs,
materials and specialized equipment needed for the reconstruction plans,
given the collapse of Haitian ports and geographical proximity of
operational bases of this subsidiary of PDVSA.

In Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on the 25th day of January

January 26, 2010



CARACAS, January 26 (Itar-Tass) - The Bolivarian 
Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) 
politico-economic bloc, at a special meeting in 
the Venezuelan capital on Monday, adopted a plan 
aimed at giving aid to Haiti in the elimination 
of the aftermath of the devastating earthquake 
and in the restoration of that Caribbean country.

In urgent aid to the medical sector, the ALBA 
member-countries -- Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba, 
Nicaragua, Ecuador, and the Caribbean island 
countries of Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Vincent 
and the Grenadines, the Commonwealth of Dominica -- assigned $20 million.

A decision was taken to set up an ALBA special 
fund for Haiti with an initial capital of $100 
million. ALBA medium- and long-term plans 
envision participation in the reconstruction of 
that Caribbean country, the development of 
agrarian, industrial and other sectors of the 
economy, as well as the systems of health care and education.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez also announced 
the elimination of Haiti's debt for the supply of 
oil and oil products. "Haiti has no debt to 
Venezuela (any longer). On the contrary, it is 
Venezuela that is historically indebted to that 
nation," Chavez told a meeting of the ALBA Political Council.

Chavez said Venezuela would fully meet Haiti’s 
requirements for fuel that would be distributed 
free of charge among the population that needs 
it. Fuel will be also supplied to thermal power 
stations and medical motor transport, the Venezuelan President pointed out.

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