[News] Guam says "No Deal!" to US Military Buildup

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sun Jan 10 12:39:35 EST 2010


The U.S. military currently is conducting public hearings on its 
draft environmental impact statement for its military buildup in Guam 
and the Northern Marianas islands.   At the first hearing, residents 
overwhelmingly opposed the plan.   Here is a powerful testimony by 
prophet-poet Melvin Won Pat-Borja, a former mentor with YouthSpeaks 
Hawai'i who now teaches in Guam.

Description from the YouTube page:
Melvin Won Pat-Borja, representing the community organization "We Are 
Guahan" presents his official testimony against the U.S. Military's 
plans to transfer thousands of marines from Okinawa to Guam. The 
Department of Defense has published a draft of the Environmental 
Impact Statement (DEIS) detailing their plans. The DEIS is about 
11,000 pages long, and the public only has until February 17, 2010 to 
submit comments on the document.

"We Are Guahan" is a group of community members dedicated to reading 
and disseminating information in the DEIS to the public, including 
details of the devastating effects of the military buildup on the 
island's culture, water sources, coral reefs and marine habitats, 
family lands, historical and archeological sites, and social 
environment. Furthermore, despite common belief that the buildup will 
benefit Guam's economy, the DEIS reveals that majority of new jobs 
and contracts will be given to off-island workers and companies.

Most importantly, the U.S. military's decision is a blatant violation 
of human rights for Guam's residents, who have not been allowed to 
participate in any aspect of the buildup plans. "We Are Guahan" 
encourages everyone, in and outside of Guam, to stay informed about 
the military buildup! Read the EIS and make your voice heard! You can 
submit comments online, by mail, or in person at public hearings.
For more information, please visit 
si Debbie Quinata
I Nasion Chamoru
P.O. Box 6132
Merizo, Guam 96916
(671) 828-2957

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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