[News] Emergency Haiti Earthquake Protest - Mon. Jan 25 - 5pm- Powell & Market - SF

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Jan 23 20:40:52 EST 2010

Denounce U.S. for militarizing & stalling relief effort!
Tell the Pentagon: Don't do to Haiti what you did to New Orleans!
Get water, food & medical treatment to the people now!

* Monday, January 25th - 5 p.m.
* Powell & Market, San Francisco [Powell St. BART]

Consider these facts:
1. U.S. forces refused to allow aid planes to land at the Port au 
Prince and Jacmel airports. Planes from the Caribbean Community, 
France, World Food Program and Doctors Without Borders -- some loaded 
with desperately needed medical equipment and field hospitals -- were 
repeatedly turned away by U.S. Marines. Unloading military gear and 
"securing the perimeter" was the Pentagon's priority. French 
Cooperation Minister Alain Joyandet could not contain his outrage: 
"This should be about helping Haiti, not about occupying Haiti."
2. By one week after the earthquake, the U.S. had only airlifted 
70,000 bottles of water into Port au Prince...a drop in the bucket 
for an estimated 3 million dehydrated people in the Haitian heat. 
[USA Today, Jan. 19]. The U.S. military is denying port and airport 
access even to established aid organizations, leading a Haiti-based 
aid group to conclude: "Right now the U.S. is blocking [water, food 
and medical] aid."
3. The Pentagon's first response was to send in reconnaissance 
drones. Destroyers steamed toward Haiti. Aircraft carrier USS Carl 
Vinson finally showed up in Haiti, with Sidewinder missiles and 
helicopters...but without any emergency relief supplies! 
4. The U.S. occupying force, obsessed with "security," is holding 
back aid. Defense Secretary Gates "wouldn't send in food and water 
because, he said, there was no 'structure...to provide security.'" 
[<http://www.gregpalast.com/>www.gregpalast.com] Yet the President of 
faraway Iceland ordered rescue teams in the air almost immediately. 
Rescue teams from Cuba, Venezuela and China moved to provide relief 
right away without waiting for "security."
5. "Aid is sitting at the airport - while millions suffer. Why? 
People are afraid to give it out for fear of provoking riots." [Bill 
Quigley] Yet the overwhelming response of Haitians to this tragedy is 
one of sharing and caring for each other, showing "remarkable levels 
of patience and solidarity on the streets." The main source of 
"violence" is the 12,000-strong U.S. occupying force which is 
allowing thousands to die by withholding aid.
6. The media show "images of poor people searching for food, calling 
them 'looters', when in fact mass starvation occurs as 
shotgun-wielding security guards attempt to cordon off...the larger 
markets." [<http://www.haitianalysis.com/>www.haitianalysis.com]
7. On 1/20, eight days after the quake, hard-hit areas like Carrefour 
and Leogane "still hadn't received any food, aid or medical help." 
[Telesur] A large refugee camp at Champs de Mars reported "no relief 
has arrived; it is all being delivered on other side of town, by the 
U.S. Embassy." Washington Post reported U.S. rescue operations 
focused on places frequented by foreigners, such as U.N. 
headquarters, Montana Hotel and Caribe supermarket. [P. Hallward, 
8. "Most Haitians have seen little humanitarian aid....What they have 
seen is guns, and lots of them. Armored personnel carriers cruise the 
streets, and inside the well-guarded perimeter [of the airport], the 
US has taken control," reported Al Jazeera. "It looks more like the 
Green Zone in Baghdad than a center for aid distribution."

The massive U.S. military operation in Haiti comes 6 years after 
invading U.S. forces overthrew the democratic Aristide government, 
and replaced it with a brutal coup regime. Meanwhile, the Haitian 
people -- many of them dying from lack of water and medicine, 
starving while food supplies sit on the airport tarmac -- are 
demanding the return of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to his homeland.

It is time to hit the streets and express our outrage at the shameful 
actions by U.S. military authorities in Haiti. To withhold aid 
desperately needed by the people - so reminiscent of their behavior 
in New Orleans after Katrina - is a monstrous crime.

   Donate to the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund: 
  Join us in raising these demands:
    * Get the people of Port-au-Prince clean water, food, and medical 
treatment now.
    * Allow President Aristide to return to Haiti from forced exile 
in South Africa
    * Respect Haiti. Do not criminalize people who need water, food 
and medical help.
    * End the foreign military occupation of Haiti.
Sponsored by Haiti Action 
Committee   <http://www.haitisolidarity.net/>www.haitisolidarity.net

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