[News] Allow Aristide to return to Haiti now

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jan 13 10:12:02 EST 2010

Allow Aristide to return to Haiti now

HIP editorial by Kevin Pina

Haiti is facing one of its most severe challenges 
after a large earthquake rocked the capital 
yesterday destroying most government buildings 
and killing possibly thousands. Now more than 
ever the people of Haiti need hope for the future 
and as Haiti’s ambassador to Washington Raymond 
Joseph said yesterday on CNN, “we need unity to 
meet the challenge of this crisis.”

That unity must reach beyond the nasty and 
vindictive politics that have divided this tiny 
nation since Aristide’s ouster in Feb. 2004. 
Haiti needs all the help she can get to provide 
the population with hope so that they might rally 
to mobilize against endemic despair in this 
darkest hour. The US and the international 
community must stand aside and end their role in 
Aristide out of Haiti where he is needed now more 
than ever. Most analysts agree that Aristide and 
his Fanmi Lavalas remain wildly popular among the 
majority of the poor in Haiti who are in all 
likelihood among the hardest hit in this crisis.

Haitian President Preval can no longer afford to 
continue his policies of exclusion and political 
patronage that have sought to dismember the Fanmi 
Lavalas party and keep Aristide away from Haiti. 
All Haitians are needed in this time of great 
need and there could be no greater symbol of hope 
and unity in Haiti right now than allowing Mr. 
Aristide to return from exile in South Africa to 
participate fully in relief and recovery efforts.

The international community must step aside and 
allow all Haitians to mobilize their efforts to 
overcome this latest tragedy that is certain to 
test the courageous and resilient spirit of the 
Haitian people over the next days, weeks and 
months. Allowing Aristide to return to his 
homeland would provide the strongest signal yet 
that the international community and the Preval 
government are truly interested in what is best 
for the Haitian people in their hour of greatest need.

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