[News] Urgent Appeal from the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jan 13 09:52:25 EST 2010

From: haiti action <action.haiti at gmail.com>

Dear Friends of Haiti:

Haiti has been hit by the first large earthquake in 240 years. The 
enormity of the effects of this devastating 7.0 quake are only barely 
understood at this time. Thousands may have been killed and tens of 
thousands left homeless. This is a moment in which your solidarity is 
of critical importance.

Haiti's grassroots movement including labor unions, women's groups, 
educators and human rights activists, support committees for 
prisoners, and agricultural cooperatives will attempt to funnel 
needed aid to those most hit by the earthquake. Grassroots organizers 
are doing what they can with the most limited of funds to make a 
difference. Please take this chance to lend them your support.

This is a time for all of us to act.

What Can You Do?

Since its inception in March 2004, the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund 
has given concrete aid to Haiti's grassroots democratic movement as 
they attempted to survive the brutal coup and to rebuild shattered 
development projects. We urge you to contribute generously, not only 
for this immediate crisis, but in order to support the long-run 
development of human rights, sustainable agriculture and economic 
justice in Haiti.

During this period, if you or anyone you know are planning to make a 
donation to assist those in need, please consider the Haiti Emergency 
Relief Fund. Donations will be forwarded to our partners on the 
ground to help them rebuild what has been destroyed.

There are two ways to donate:

By Pay Pal at: 

or Mail check made out to:

"Haiti Emergency Relief Fund/EBSC"

donations tax deductible

send mail to:

East Bay Sanctuary Covenant
2362 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, CA 94704

EBSC is a non-profit 502(c)(3) organization tax ID#94-3249753

We will acknowledge all donations

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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