[News] Guerrilla Billboards in San Francisco Mark 8th Year of Guantanamo

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jan 11 10:04:16 EST 2010


Guerrilla Billboards in San Francisco Mark 8th Year of Guantanamo

by TruthForce
Sunday Jan 10th, 2010 6:27 PM
As another January 11 rolls around, these giant 
posters appeared in advertising kiosks in San 
Francisco over the weekend. On January 11, 2002, 
the first groups of hooded and jumpsuited 
detainees were brought to Guantanamo. On January 
21, 2009, President Obama pledged to shut down 
the camp, only one of many U.S. prisons where 
people are being held indefinitely without charge 
and in inhuman conditions, violating international and domestic laws.

640_shut_down_with_people.jpg original image ( 792x594)

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much longer will we allow this?
by TruthForce Sunday Jan 10th, 2010 6:27 PM
640_8_years_and_waiting-powell_street.jpg original image ( 720x

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will you do?
by TruthForce Sunday Jan 10th, 2010 6:27 PM
640_shut_down_close.jpg original image ( 576x768)

image ( 576x768)

by TruthForce Sunday Jan 10th, 2010 6:27 PM
640_top_close.jpg original image ( 720x540)

image ( 720x540)

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