[News] Honduran Leader Assassinated

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Feb 25 15:18:21 EST 2010



Leader Assassinated Yesterday in Front of Her Two Children,

Denounce U.S. Support for Repressive State Run by Pepe Lobo

Today, February 25, 2010 marks an historic date 
in the struggle for true democracy and the 
respect for human rights in Honduras. Tens, maybe 
hundreds, of thousands of supporters of the 
National People’s Resistance Front (FNRP) will 
march through the streets of Tegucigalpa to 
demand that the largely unrecognized month-old 
government of Porfirio “Pepe” Lobo halt its 
attacks on the peaceful Resistance movement. The 
FNRP has documented at least 254 human rights 
violations, including murder, kidnappings and 
rape, since Pepe Lobo took over for the de facto government.

Just yesterday, FNRP supporter Claudia Larisa 
Brizuela Rodriguez was gunned down in her home in 
San Pedro Sula. Her two young children, ages 2 
and 8, witnessed their mother’s murder.

Claudia was the daughter of high-profile 
Resistance leader and Radio Uno host, Pedro 
Brizuela. It is believed that Claudia’s cowardly 
assassination is meant to intimidate not only the 
FNRP, but also the independent media. Radio Uno 
hosts, including Pedro Brizuela, have 
consistently denounced the abuses and corruption 
of the post-coup governments, and therefore have 
become a consistent target of threats. Yesterday 
those threats became violent action once again.

Please join us in calling the State Department’s 
Human Rights desk in order to demand that our 
government not continue to ignore systematic 
human rights violations. The United States is one 
of only a handful of governments that has 
officially recognized Pepe Lobo’s coup-stained 
administration, which is not recognized by the 
UN, OAS, and the vast majority of Latin America. 
The United States is dramatically impeding any 
progress towards international human rights by 
attempting to force others to legitimize the abusive government of Honduras.

Dial 202-647-4000 and ask for Human Rights Desk 
at the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and 
Labor. Alternately, you can ask to speak to the 
office of Maria Otero, Under Secretary of State 
for Democracy and Global Affairs, who coordinates 
the work of the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor.

Sample script:

Hi, my name is ____________ and I am calling 
because I am deeply concerned about the human 
rights situation in Honduras. Just yesterday, 
Claudia Larisa Brizuela, activist and daughter of 
prominent member of the resistance movement and 
opposition media personality Pedro Brizuela, was 
assassinated in her home in San Pedro Sula in 
front of her two young children. In recent weeks, 
other resistance leaders have been attacked and 
murdered, amounting to over 254 documented human 
rights violations since Porfirio Lobo took power 
only a month ago. This represents the continuance 
of an ongoing policy of state terrorism and 
aggression that began after the July 28th coup d’etat.

The U.S. has not supported democracy in Honduras 
through this crisis. I understand that the U.S. 
split from a regionally unified position on the 
Honduran coup in supporting a transition that did 
not require the return of President Zelaya or 
hold any of the coup-perpetrators accountable for 
their actions. The U.S. also split from the 
majority of Latin America by recognizing the 
fraudulent November 29th elections that took 
place under conditions of martial law. While the 
U.S. may never repair the damage done by its 
anti-democratic actions around Honduras, I demand 
that steps be made in the correct direction. I 
ask that the U.S. SOTRONGLY CONDEMN the Lobo 
administration for continued human rights 
violations and call for the protection of all 
human rights defenders and media workers in 
Honduras, while cutting military aid to the 
country. I also urge the U.S. to reject the Lobo 
administration's proposed Truth Commission, and 
push for an independent truth process that would 
thoroughly investigate the human rights 
violations and other crimes committed under the 
interim government of Roberto Micheletti, as well 
as the current administration, instead of simply 
whitewashing the coup in Honduras. NO BUSINESS AS USUAL. Thank you.”

This alert was written by allies in the Central 
American solidarity movement. For more 
information about the crisis in Honduras, please visit:

Comunicado about the murder from the 
FNRP:  <http://quotha.net/node/723>http://quotha.net/node/723

The Quixote Center: <http://quixote.org/>http://quixote.org/
School of the Americas Watch: <http://soaw.org/>http://soaw.org/
Honduras Resiste: 
National Resistance Front Against the Coup (en 

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