[News] Haiti - Politics of the Earthquake: the Coup Continues - Sat Feb 27th 3 - La Pena

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Feb 23 11:38:34 EST 2010

Politics of the Earthquake: the Coup Continues.

Special guest speaker from Haiti: Gladice Simon-Delouis, Haitian 
grassroots women's organizer from Port-au-Prince who lived through 
the Jan. 12, 2010 earthquake
Saturday, Feb 27, 2010. 3-5PM La Pena, 3105 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, CA


PIERRE LABOSSIERRE, co-founder Haiti Action Committee, Board member 
Haiti Emergency Relief Fund
GLADICE SIMON-DELOUIS, Haitian grassroots women's organizer
HAITI ART SLIDESHOW by Nia Imara, Selected prints offered for sale, 
proceeds will be donated to HERF
$5-20 donation requested

Wheelchair accessible, no one turned away for lack of funds

Come Join Haiti Action Committee in solidarity with the people of 
Haiti, as we mark the 6th anniversary of the February 29, 2004 coup 
that continues to try to destory Haiti's grassroots movement.

In the aftermath of the devastating earthquake, Haitians are now 
facing a human-made disaster. Instead of delivering aid to the people 
in peace, the US military stepped up the occupation it began in 2004. 
Water, food and medical supplies continue to be withheld from 
thousands of people. Countless Haitians are dying preventable deaths.
This genocidal situation continues the long history of exploitation 
of Haiti's majority population by the United States. They are being 
excluded from discussions about the long term rebuilding of their 
country just as Fanmi Lavalas - the political party of the majority - 
is banned from participating in elections and former Haitian 
President Aristide remains banned from the country. The politics of 
the earthquake? The coup continues.
For more information, phone (510) 483-7481

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