[News] Politics of the Earthquake - Sat 2/27 La Pena 3pm

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Feb 16 18:55:57 EST 2010

Politics of the Earthquake: the Coup Continues.
Saturday, Feb 27, 2010. 3-5PM, La Pena, Berkeley



Wheelchair accessible, no one turned away for lack of funds

Speaker: Pierre Labossiere and Nia Imara of Haiti Action Committee 
and speakers from recently returned delegations to Haiti

Join Haiti Action Committee for an event highlighting 6 years of 
US/UN occupation in Haiti, marked by the disastrous reversal of 
social and political progress achieved under President Aristide and 
Fanmi Lavalas (now banned from elections).

As Haiti rebuilds, democracy is key. Haiti's grassroots Lavalas 
movement must be at the forefront of rebuilding Haiti.

Respect Haiti's demand to return President Aristide, end the ban on 
Lavalas, rebuild Haiti by and for Haiti's people. US/UN OUT!

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