[News] Safiya Bukhari Book Release - Thurs 3/11 SF

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Feb 11 11:00:40 EST 2010


The True Life Story of
Becoming a Black Panther
Keeping the Faith in Prison
& Fighting for Those Left Behind

Foreward by Angela Davis
Afterword by Mumia Abu-Jamal
Edited, with an Introduction by Laura Whitehorn

Bay Area Release Event

Safiya Bukhari's Daughter, Wonda Jones
Editor, Laura Whitehorn
Former Panther, Kiilu Nyasha and other guests

Thursday, March 11, 7 pm
Women's Building - 3543 18th Street
San Francisco

endorsed by All of Us or None, California Coalition for Women 
Prisoners, Freedom Archives, Friends of Marilyn Buck, It's About Time 
& Out of Control

<http://www.feministpress.org/books/safiya-bukhari/war>Feminist Press 
- to order the book.

<http://safiyabukhari.com/>Safiya Bukhari Website  to view other Bay 
Area and National events and read reviews.


Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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