[News] Possible Consequences for the Israeli Mossad

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Mon Feb 22 14:15:16 EST 2010

Possible Consequences for the Israeli Mossad

Salam • Feb 20th, 2010 at 13:42

Feb. 19 2010 – Now that the latest atrocity of 
Israel has badly blown back, with the pictures of 
11 death squad assassins published worldwide, 2 
names of Palestinians connected to the PA 
published, 6 more suspects in Dubai, knowledge 
that the whole crime was coordinated from 
Austria, consequences are inevitable. These are 
not consequences under national or international 
law, but the kinds of consequences which are due 
when mafia thugs or secret agents are burnt, and 
which seldom come to the knowledge of the public.
    * Will the mossad get rid of the elements of 
the death squad after the assassination of Mahmoud Mabhouh in Dubai?
    * How will the mossad deal with their problems?
    * What would they use to get rid of the 
elements which participated in the assassination of al-Mabhouh?
    * Will it be a mass culling, will they be 
killed in a soft and merciful way, or will it be a messy butchery?
    * Will the bodies of these people be disposed 
by them, dropping them from airplanes into the 
ocean, or will they become part of the fundaments of yet to be built bridges?
Whatever happens, the Dubai 11 and all other 
people who participated in any capacity in this 
botched assassination must count on being killed 
if they do not surrender to or are not captured 
by the security forces of another nation. 
Regardless of what intentions the mossad has 
towards these elements, they are finished, and, 
even if the manage to evade capture, their refuge 
in Israel will be only temporary at best, until 
the pertinent decisions are taken.

Interpol on Thursday issued arrest notices for 11 
suspects – six listed with British passports, 
three Irish, one French and one German – wanted by Dubai for the killing.

Now that they have been put on the wanted list of 
Interpol, that their faces are known, and that 
Dubai has stated that their retina prints taken 
at Dubai airport and other details will be 
published, they represent a giant liability to 
the Zionist regime of Israel. They are publicly 
known carriers of secrets, presumably in the know 
of many terrorist deeds of the mossad around the 
world. Their disposal will become an inevitable 
consequence, even a priority, to protect the 
secrets of global terrorism practiced by the mossad.

Meanwhile, the Dubai Police continues revealing 
new information relating to the murder of 
Mabhouh. They stated that the British, French, 
German and Irish authorities expressed during 
contacts with Dubai officials their strong 
displeasure because of the fact that the 
passports of their nations were used to enter 
Dubai and perpetrate this crime. Experts of the 
Dubai Police said that "the technology of 
recording retina prints at the airport will help 
to identify the perpetrators of the crime in 
Dubai, as it is difficult to hide or falsify this 
imprint, even if the person has surgery to change 
their face". The videotape distributed by the 
Dubai Police about the perpetrators of the al- 
Mabhouh murder shows that all of them passed 
through the airport, which uses records retina prints.

Palestinians elements supporting Mosssad
    * Why did the Dubai Police not show the 
photos of the two Palestinians who were arrested 
in the wake of the assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai?
    * Why did the police not publish the names of the Palestinian suspects?
    * Is it because they are elements connected 
to the Palestinian National Authority?
Last week, the Dubai police stated that had they 
had arrested two Palestinians among 18 suspects 
in the al-Mabhouh assassination, but they have 
not yet identified the two Palestinians or revealed their pictures.

Instead, the leader of Hamas, Mohammad Nazzal, 
announced the names of Palestinian detainees who 
were involved in the assassination of al-Mabhouh 
besides the Israeli death squad. He named them as 
Ahmed Hassanein, a former member of the 
Palestinian Intelligence Service, and Anwar 
Shuhaiber, a former officer in the Palestinian 
Preventive Security Forces. Both are former 
members of the PA security forces with links to 
Mohammed Dahlan of Fatah. Hamas claims that the 
senior Fatah official visited Dubai after these 
elements were arrested in order to try to 
persuade the Dubai authorities to release their operatives.

The Palestinian detainees are suspected of 
providing the mossad death squad with logistical 
aid, including renting cars and hotel rooms for 
them. According the Chief of the Dubai police, 
the Palestinians met the commander of the mossad 
death squad in a shopping center.

The spokesman of the Jordanian government, Nabil 
al-Sharif, revealed last Monday that Jordanian 
authorities handed these two Palestinians to the 
Dubai authorities. The detainees were caught by 
the airport security after their arrival at Amman airport.

Meanwhile, Mahmoud al-Zahar called on the West to 
forbid Israel from using their land to enter Arab 
countries and kill Palestinians. He said: "If the 
West allows the Zionist enemy to turn its land 
into land where Palestinian Muslims are murdered, 
or leave from it to Arab countries to assassinate 
our people, then we will confront them as God 
compels us too: 'One evil for another'", he said 
at a sermon in a Gaza mosque Friday.

While all the consequences and the scandal in the 
wake of this crime are still developing, it is 
noteworthy to mention that the Reut Institute, an 
extremist think tank which advises the Israeli 
regime, has recently released two the executive 
summaries of two reports 
here)  and 
which deal with the increasing "deligitmization" 
which the zionist entity suffers (which of course 
can't be explained). It is funny to note that 
among their "policy options" they write

"18 – Relationship-based diplomacy with elites 
and 'influentials' – An effective barrier against 
delegitimization is a network of personal 
relationships. Working within identified hubs, 
Israel should aspire to maintain thousands of 
personal relationships with political, financial, 
cultural, media, and security-related elites and influentials."

Now that Israel is successfully in the process of 
affirming its image of an obnoxious cry-baby and 
leg-humping hyena, a liability to anybody who has 
anything to do with them, one can't help but 
smirking while asking where these thousands of 
"personal relationships" are to come if not from 
among people who are ignorant of their own best interests.

Salam is a Palestinian journalist. She had a 
career of over 20 years working for various 
newspapers and TV stations in Palestine. She 
forced to live in the Exile in Vienna since 2002.

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