[News] Puerto Rico: Tense Prelude to the Student Strike

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Dec 8 16:24:17 EST 2010

We spent several hours with students today at the 
Cayey campus of UPR discussing their situation. 
they are an inspiration! All of our showings of 
Cointelpro 101 are canceled because of the events 
- certainly on our parts out of respect and in 
support of their demands. Other arrangements with 
students and faculty to show the film are being 
made for the future. This article doesn't capture 
the radicalism enough, but little else in English 
is better. The press we met were very supportive, 
but their editors help mold the stories to be 
more 'balanced' if not totally in support of the 
colonial government - which is intent on defeating the student movement.

Rico: Tense Prelude to the Student Strike

Posted <http://globalvoicesonline.org/2010/12/08>8 December 2010

- Global Voices in English - http://globalvoicesonline.org -

Puerto Rico: Tense Prelude to the Student Strike

Posted By Alfredo Richner On 8 December 2010 @ 
9:30 am In Americas, Education, English, 
LANGUAGES, Photos, Protest, Puerto Rico (U.S.), 
Spanish, Video, Weblog, Youth | 

A 48-hour blockade organized by students from the 
state-run University of Puerto Rico in protest 
against a proposed $800 annual fee got off to a 
tense and violent start early Tuesday morning, as 
students raising barricades around the Río 
Piedras campus clashed with private security 
guards hired by the administration.

The day began as students, many of them masked in 
order to protect their identities, 
photographed by the local press [2] [es] as they 
built and patrolled their barricades in defiance 
of the administration's efforts to undermine the 
protests. Such administrative measures included 
down several University gates [3] [es] around the 
main campus in Río Piedras early Monday morning, 
allegedly as a way of guaranteeing entrance to 
those students, teachers, and employees who 
showed up for classes and work; and hiring the 
private security firm Capitol Security, whose 
proven to be inexperienced and volatile [4] [es] 
during the first 24 hour cycle of events.

Violent acts were reported and decried by both 
students and Capitol Security, with one 
university student allegedly having been beaten 
by a team of twelve security guards, and several 
guards allegedly suffering injuries in skirmishes 
with students. Students and security guards have 
since declared a truce, 
to news reports [5] [es]. Vandalism to school 
property has also been 
reported.  <http://www.radiohuelga.com>Radio 
Huelga [6], a ‘pirate' radio station and website 
set up by university students during the 
long strike [7] last semester was able to capture 
video of the student beating as it took place.

Several in the online community, including local 
blog <http://rimabrusi.com/?p=2017>Parpadeando 
[8] [es], have expressed their frustration with 
the university administration's apparent lack of 
initiative and judgement in preventing these events:

Cualquier administración universitaria normal, en 
casos como este, se sienta a dialogar con los 
constituyentes, pronto. Más aún cuando existen 
dos propuestas concretas, pensadas, 
académicamente responsables, que pueden utilizarse como punto de partida.

¿Por qué? ¿Por qué la administración que se 
supone vele por los intereses de la UPR sigue en 
un curso de acción que a todas luces nos lleva 
hacia la confrontación y la erosión de la calidad 
institucional, de su relevancia para el país, de 
su capacidad de ayudar a Puerto Rico?
Any normal university administration, in 
situations like this, would sit down and have an 
open dialogue with its constituents, pronto. Even 
more so when two concrete proposals, thought-out 
and academically responsible, can be used as a 
starting point [for negotiation].
Why? Why must the administration - who are 
supposed to care for the University of Puerto 
Rico's best interests - continue with a course of 
action that under all scrutiny leads us towards 
confrontation and the erosion of the 
institution's quality, of its relevance to the 
country, and its capacity to help Puerto Rico?
Adding to this frustration are reports of the 
costs related to both the removal of campus gates 
by the University's Río Piedras provost, Ana Rosa 
Guadalupe, at 1.5 million [9] [es] dollars in an 
interview with local radio station 
<http://www.radioisla1320.com>RadioIsla1320 AM 
[10] [es] - and Capitol Security current 
contracts - 
surpassing 1.4 million dollars [4] [es].

Others, like 
espacio y ambiente's [12] [es] Erika Fontánez, 
also a professor at the University of Puerto 
Rico's School of Law, voiced their concern about 
the student movement's actions earlier during the day:

Creo que aún cuando hay que poner energía en 
reprochar con rigor los actos de la 
administración de la UPR y del gobierno, los y 
las estudiantes tendrían que preguntarse 
urgentemente: ¿Cómo es que lo anterior fue 
sustituído? ¿Qué pasó? ¿Qué factores inciden/han 
incidido en un cambio tan drástico de 
metodología, de estrategia? Con todo el respeto 
al movimiento estudiantil y consciente de su 
diversidad, creo que tendrían que preguntarse 
genuinamente si el camino por el que se anda hoy 
es un buen camino para lograr sus objetivos.
I think that even though energy must be spent in 
rigorously reproaching the actions of the 
University's administration and those of the 
government, students would need to urgently ask 
themselves: How is it that what worked previously 
was substituted? What happened? What factors 
result or have resulted in such a drastic change 
of methodology, of strategy? With all due respect 
to the student movement and conscious of its 
diversity, I think they would have to genuinely 
ask if the road they travel today is a good one 
in order to reach their objectives.
Part of that characteristic diversity of the 
student movement was captured by 
<http://www.twitter.com/eldifusor>@eldifusor [13] 
of local podcast #EnProfundo through a 
of short audio interviews [14] [es] with student 
leaders José Carlos Vélez Colón, spokesman of 
anti-strike group <http://rescateupr.com/>Rescate 
UPR [15] [es]; and Ian Camilo, of the 
University's Student Representative Committee; as 
well as Luis Díaz of local hip-hop group 
<http://www.myspace.com/intifadapr>Intifada [16] 
[es], also an ex-alum.  Through #EnProfundo, 
whose members 
their most recent episode on the eve of these 
events last Monday night [17] [es] from one of 
the ‘free speech zones' delineated inside the Río 
Piedras campus by the administration. @eldifusor 
makes the following suggestion:

Por ahora les propongo que escuchen bien lo que 
los tres tienen que decir y partamos a discutir 
sus puntos de vistas. Todos, dentro de su 
realidad, nos demuestran una parte del 
rompecabezas que debemos armar: ¿Para qué 
queremos una universidad pública en Puerto Rico?

For now, I propose we listen well to what all 
three have to say and lets part from there and 
discuss these points of view. All of them, within 
their own realities, demonstrate a piece of the 
puzzle that we must complete: Why is it that we 
want a public university in Puerto Rico?
However, requests for dialogue by the students 
seem to have fallen on deaf ears so far, and 
student leaders like Waldemiro Vélez and Giovanni 
Roberto of the Student Representative Committee 
since expressed through local news sources [5] 
[es] their concern that a strike - already 
scheduled for next Tuesday, December 14 - seems 
like the only alternative at this point.

*Please read the student blog 
<http://rojogallito.blogspot.com/>Desde Adentro 
[18] [es] and the digital magazine 
<http://www.80grados.net/>80 grados [19] [es] for 
updates and news on the student's protests.

*Please see 
Voices' special coverage [7] of the student 
strike last semester for more context and information.

*Photo of the UPR tower by 
Gonzalez [20], republished under 
License A-SA 2.0 [21]. Photo of security guards 
taken from 
grados [22], under a 
<http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/pr/>CC License NC-SA 3.0 [23]

Article printed from Global Voices in English: http://globalvoicesonline.org

URL to article: 

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: 

[2] were photographed by the local press: 

[3] taking down several University gates: 

[4] have proven to be inexperienced and volatile: 

[5] according to news reports: 

[6] Radio Huelga: http://www.radiohuelga.com

[7] two-month long strike: 

[8] Parpadeando: http://rimabrusi.com/?p=2017

[9] estimated by the University's Río Piedras 
provost, Ana Rosa Guadalupe, at 1.5 million: 

[10] RadioIsla1320 AM: http://www.radioisla1320.com

[11] Image: 

[12] Poder, espacio y ambiente's: http://poderyambiente.blogspot.com/

[13] @eldifusor: http://www.twitter.com/eldifusor

[14] series of short audio interviews: 

[15] Rescate UPR: http://rescateupr.com/

[16] Intifada: http://www.myspace.com/intifadapr

[17] recorded their most recent episode on the 
eve of these events last Monday night: 

[18] Desde Adentro: http://rojogallito.blogspot.com/

[19] 80 grados: http://www.80grados.net/

[20] A. Gonzalez: http://www.flickr.com/photos/angelgb81/

[21] CC License A-SA 2.0: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

[22] 80 grados: http://www.80grados.net/2010/12/tension-sin-portones-en-la-upr/

[23] CC License NC-SA 3.0: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/pr/

to print.

Licensed Creative Commons Attribution, 2008 
Global Voices Online. See attribution policy for 
details: http://globalvoicesonline.org/about/global-voices-attribution-policy

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