[News] Haiti - Where is Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine - Oak, Sat 8/14 10am

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Aug 13 18:13:53 EDT 2010

Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine: Human rights activist
3rd year anniversary of his kidnapping

On August 12, 2007, Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine—a 
beloved father and husband, a psychologist and an 
advocate for the poor—was kidnapped.  This 
Saturday, August 14—the 219th anniversary of Bwa 
Kayiman, the ceremony which began the Haitian 
Revolution—Haiti Action Committee will come 
together to stand in solidarity with Lovinsky, 
his family, and the people of Haiti.  In 
addition, we will be having an open meeting to 
discuss the current situation in Haiti.

Time: Saturday, August 14, 10AM – 1 PM
Location: Niebyl Proctor Library – 6501 Telegraph Ave., Oakland

Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine: Human rights activist

Three years ago this August, human rights 
activist Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine was kidnapped in 
occupied Haiti.  Since his youth, Lovinsky has 
fought in struggles for Haitian street children, 
teenage mothers, and the poor.  He founded and 
coordinated Fondasyon Trant Septamn, an 
organization that advocates for victims of the 
first coup against President Aristide’s 
democratically elected government in 
1991.  Lovinsky was a vocal opponent of the 2004 
coup in which US-backed forces toppled the 
democratic government of Aristide second 
administration.  He bravely and tirelessly 
denounced the United States, French, and Canadian 
government for establishing an occupation whose 
goal has been to destroy Lavalas, the grassroots 
movement of the poor majority in Haiti.

Lovinsky also spoke out against the United 
Nations which, after replacing the US military in 
June 2004, has waged a full scale war against the 
poor and supporters of Lavalas.  UN troops have 
conducted military operations in poor 
neighborhoods like Cite Soleil, a stronghold of 
the Lavalas movement; they have been accused of 
rape, sexual abuse, and child prostitution; they 
have imprisoned thousands of Aristide supporters; 
and they have backed the Haitian police in its 
repression of the poor, while generally leaving 
right-wing paramilitary groups untouched.  It is 
no wonder that Lovinsky said, “The UN is an 
accomplice of the war against the poor in Haiti.”

Three years ago this August, Lovinsky was 
abducted after leaving a meeting with a Canadian 
and American human rights delegation.  It was 
just days after he led a demonstration on the 
92nd anniversary of the first US occupation of 
Haiti in 1915.  In his speech during that 
demonstration—held in front of the UN 
headquarters—Lovinsky called for the release of 
political prisoners, for the return of Aristide 
from exile in South Africa, and for an end to the 
occupation.   In the years since his kidnapping, 
grassroots organizers in Haiti and 
internationally have called for Lovinsky’s safe 
return and have demanded that occupation 
authorities—including the Preval administration, 
the UN, and the US embassy—conduct a proper 
investigation of this crime.  Three years later, 
we continue to call for accountability and to 
stand in solidarity with Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine.


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