[News] Israel implicated in Hariri murder

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Mon Aug 9 19:20:07 EDT 2010

Israel implicated in Hariri murder (two articles follow)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, has implicated Israel for 
the murder of Rafiq al-Hariri, the former Lebanese prime minister.

In a video address to journalists from an undisclosed location on 
Monday, Nasrallah said he had evidence to prove Israel's complicity 
in al-Hariri's assassination in a bomb explosion in the Lebanese 
capital, Beirut.

"He has not provided undisputed, solid proof that implicates Israel," 
Al Jazeera's Rula Amin reporting from Beirut said.

The Hezbollah leader, however, said that "there is enough evidence 
pointing to Israel," our correspondent said.

Al-Hariri and 22 others were killed on the Beirut seafront on 
February 14, 2005.

The assassination sparked an international outcry and led to the 
withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon.

The murder has been widely blamed on Syria, but Damascus has 
routinely denied involvement.

Blaming Israel

Fawaz Gerges, a Middle East analyst, told Al Jazeera that Nasrallah 
"talked about who has the most to benefit from the assassination ... 
[by trying to] provide a very complex case by drawing a historical 
link between Israel" and the killing.

Nasrallah said Israel used spying and covert operations to attempt to 
drive a wedge between Hezbollah and the Lebanese government.

Among the material presented was what he described as Israeli 
reconaissance footage intercepted by Hezbollah of areas frequented by 

Aaron Klein, a political commentator in Jerusalem, told Al Jazeera 
that the contents of Nasrallah's rare speech were not surprising.

"This is exactly what everybody in Israel was expecting, which was to 
use the Jewish state as a scapegoat because he is up against a rock 
and a hard place," Klein said.

UN probe

court probing the assassination of al-Haririis planning to charge 
Hezbollah members in the killing, Nasrallah said in July.

Nasrallah criticised the UN investigation because it "does not look 
into the possibility that Israel is implicated, we believe it is biased".

Our correspondent said that Hezbollah considers the tribunal "an 
Israeli project to create strife in Lebanon".

Impending charges from the international body had pushed Lebanon into 
a "very sensitive phase",  Klein said.

Hezbollah fought a devestating war with Israel in 2006.

Klein said that a UN verdict against Hezbollah would be "devastating 
for them in terms of the internal politics" as it could spark anger 
among other sectors of Lebanese society.

Rula Amin said that "Hezbollah is trying to dismiss the findings of 
international investigations. They want to discredit the basic 
information that investigators had depended on in making their conclusions".

"He is trying to say that the findings are not credible and 
politically motivated ... he is trying to do is build a case in which 
he says Israel is a legitimate suspect," our correspondent said.
Hezbollah exposes Israeli hit men

Mon, 09 Aug 2010 21:17:03 GMT

Hezbollah leader Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah has presented evidence 
proving that Israel masterminded the assassination of former Lebanese 
Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

At a press conference in Beirut on Monday night, the Lebanese 
resistance movement's secretary general presented video materials 
captured by Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) as well as 
recorded confessions by Israeli fifth columnists substantiating that 
the February 14, 2005 assassination of Hariri in the capital was 
carried out on orders from Tel Aviv.

The Lebanese network Al-Manar aired the speech and incorporated the 
evidence, showing intercepted footage of Hariri's house in the 
lead-up to the massive car bombing which killed him and claimed the 
lives of 22 other people.

The network showed videos, taken by the drones, monitoring the route 
that Hariri used to take every day.

The Lebanese Defense Ministry reports show Israeli warplanes and 
reconnaissance aircraft flew over the area where Hariri was 
assassinated on the day he was murdered, Nasrallah said.

Al-Manar also aired film footage showing Israeli espionage agents 
acknowledging their roles in the assassination.

One of the Israeli operatives, Ahmad Hussein Nasrallah, "gave false 
information to former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri through someone who 
worked with Hariri in the security area," the Al-Manar narrator 
stated, and added, "He said that Hezbollah wanted to assassinate 
Rafik Hariri."

Afterwards Al-Manar showed the agent admitting to the ruse.

Syria was accused of being behind the plot to assassinate Hariri, 
which undermined the tenuous ties between Damascus and Beirut and 
eventually led to the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon.

The Hezbollah leader said Ahmed Nasrallah had sought to frighten the 
late Lebanese premier with the allegations as part of a larger plot 
to drive Syria out of Lebanon.

He went on to say that the assassination was meant to spark a 
sectarian and religious war in Lebanon, adding that if the United 
Nations tribunal investigating the case fails to consider the new 
evidence, it will show that the investigation has been politicized.

Nasrallah had said last month that he had been informed by the slain 
leader's son and successor, Saad Hariri, that the Special Tribunal 
for Lebanon "will accuse some undisciplined [Hezbollah] members."

He rejected the allegation and warned that the plot was part of "a 
dangerous project that is targeting the resistance."

The United Nations tribunal is expected to announce its findings by 
the end of the year.

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