[News] The True Meaning of Easter

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Apr 2 12:24:30 EDT 2010

April 2 - 4, 2010

The True Meaning of Easter

Resurrection is for the Living


At Easter,  throughout America, throngs of 
Christians will fill their churches 
enthusiastically singing hymns of “the 
resurrection of the dead,” while their 
government’s “Christian soldiers” are “marching 
as to war,” killing, maiming, and uprooting 
throngs of faceless Muslim men, women and 
children and other non-Christians in their name.

Christians of various denominations will lift up 
their voices and shout, “Alleluia! . . . The 
strife is o’er, the battle done; the victory of 
life is won.” (Words: Anonymous; Music: Giovanni 
P. De Palestrina, The United Methodist Hymnal, 
1989)  In the face of the continuing “strife” in 
Iraq, where well over one million civilians have 
been killed and some four million more uprooted, 
as a result of the Easter worshippers’ 
government’s falsely based illegal invasion and 
occupation of Iraq in their name. (See “Civilian 
deaths may top 1 million, poll data indicate,” 
Los Angeles Times, Sept. 14, 2007)  And in 
Pakistan, the number of civilians made internal 
refugees just by the recent US-pressured 
Pakistani military’s “battle” against Taliban 
havens is estimated to be between 2 and 3 
million, creating terrible humanitarian “strife.” 
(See “Pakistan’s Refugee Disaster,” by Stewart J. 
Lawrence, Counterpunch, Dec. 18-20, 2009).

Followers of a “risen Christ” will crowd into 
sanctuaries across America and sing a favorite resurrection song”:

Love’s redeeming work is done,
Fought the fight, the battle won,
Death in vain forbids him rise,
Christ has opened Paradise.

(“Christ the Lord Is Risen Today,” Words: Charles 
Wesley; Music: Lyra Davidica, The United Methodist Hymnal.)

And far away their government’s military’s 
pilotless drones and Special Forces helicopters 
continue putting to death civilians of all ages 
in Afghanistan and Pakistan in their name.  But 
the Easter worshippers may find comfort in the 
prescribed apology of top US commander, General 
Stanley A. McChrystal, who said, in response to 
the latest airstrike that ended any earthly 
“paradise” for 27 Afghan civilians, “We are 
extremely saddened by this tragic loss of 
innocent lives.”  His next words also were 
intended to salve the consciences of the Easter 
masses more than to reassure the Afghan people: 
“I have made it clear to our forces that we are 
here to protect the Afghan people [italics 
added].”  For good measure, he added, “I pledge 
to strengthen our efforts to regain your trust to 
build a brighter future for all Afghans.” (The New York Times, Feb. 23, 2010.)

“We are here to protect the Afghan people.”  It 
is as if the US military were invited rather than 
having mercilessly bombed and then invaded 
Afghanistan.  The arrogance of American 
imperialistic exceptionalism.  That redefines 
invading as invited, killing as “protecting,” 
destroying as “building” and controlling as 
“trusting.”  Such exceptionalistic words are 
music to the ears of like-minded 
exceptionalistic-believing Christians, especially 
at Easter-time when their “risen Christ” is proof 
of Christianity’s own uniqueness and superiority.

General McChrystal’s public relations assault on 
reality makes disappear the violent termination 
of “a brighter future” for the Muslims who get in 
the way of or resist the “goodness” of America’s 
imperialistic foreign policy.  A foreign policy 
whose assumed aim is not “to build a brighter 
future for all Afghans,” but to brighten profits 
for America’s military-industrial complex.  The 
other assumed aim is controlling Afghanistan 
because of the strategic access it provides for 
the huge oil and natural gas resources in the 
Caspian Sea area.  (See, “The US War in 
Afghanistan: Another Oil War?,” by David Michael 
June-July, 2002)  Like Iraq with its enormous oil 
reserves, America’s mission in Afghanistan is 
fuel and profits for the political-controlling 
corporate elite not “the bright future” of 
freedom and peace for the Afghan people.  Facts 
most Christians do not want to be disturbed by, 
especially on their holiest of Sundays when they 
are worshipping “the resurrection of the dead.”

For most Christians, Easter is about a sunrise 
that brightens an empty tomb.  “Lives again our 
glorious King,” they harmonize, “Where, O death, 
is now they sting? . . . Once he died our souls 
to save [italics added], Where’s thy victory, 
boasting grave?” (Ibid)  Faith in an eternally 
loving god in the face of death especially is 
very comforting for many people.  It meets very 
human needs.  Easter, however, for most 
Christians, is about individual salvation not 
interpersonal solidarity.  It is about personal 
resurrection from the dead not community 
restoration for the living.  It is about an 
“open” tomb that is restricted.  It is for 
believers only not justice for all.  It is about 
eternity not ethics, about right belief not just 
behavior.  It is about the resurrection of the 
dead not the living.  And in its exceptionalistic 
extreme, it invites those narcissistic voices of 
the Christian faith to drown out the “sting of 
death” and the graves and grief of faceless 
Muslims and other human beings and their loved 
ones.  They are victims of internationally 
condemned American crimes against humanity 
committed by the Easter worshippers’ government in their name,

Thus, at Easter, two of the world’s worst war 
criminals, former president George W. Bush and 
his vice president, Dick Cheney, will be warmly 
greeted in their respective United Methodist 
Churches, and may even join in singing,

Crown him the Lord of peace,
whose powers a scepter sways
from pole to pole, that wars may cease,
and all be prayer and praise.
`His reign shall know no end,
and round his pierced feet
fair flowers of paradise extend
             their fragrance ever sweet.

(“Crown Him with Many Crowns,” Words: Matthew 
Bridges; Music: George J. Elvey, The United Methodist Hymnal, 1989)

A self-portrayed man of prayer especially, former 
President Bush “preyed” America into one war 
after another.  (See Alberts, “Faith-Based 
Deceptions: On Bended Knee,” 
Oct. 22/24, 2004)  Still cloaking his war crimes 
in piety, he recently said that his “faith helped 
in tough times as president.” (Associated Press, 
USA TODAY.com, Mar. 1, 2010)  His “tough times” 
were when he lied about Iraq possessing weapons 
of mass destruction to justify his 
administration’s criminal war against 
Iraq.  “Tough times” that became deadly and 
destructive times for millions of Iraqi mothers 
and fathers and their children­and for close to 
4400 American sons and daughters killed and an 
estimated over one hundred thousand 
wounded.  (See, www.anti.war.com/casualties)

According to former vice president Cheney, all 
the deaths and destruction in Iraq were worth 
it.  He recently criticized the Obama 
administration for “wrongly trying to take credit 
for any progress in Iraq,” when they opposed the 
war.  “If we’d followed the policies they’d 
pursued from the outset or advocated from the 
outset,” Cheney commented, “Saddam Hussein would 
still be in power in Baghdad today.”  (The New 
York Times, Feb. 15, 2010)  Probably.  And all 
the dead and wounded Iraqi and American human 
beings would still be alive and whole.  And the 
UN weapons inspectors would have finished their 
work, which the Bush administration’s invasion of 
Iraq conveniently aborted, and found that Hussein 
had no weapons of mass destruction­nor ties to Al 
Qaeda, which Bush and  Cheney repeatedly claimed 
to justify their administration’s  pre-emptive war against Iraq.

“Tough times.”  Not for formers president Bush 
and vice president Cheney.  In the face of their 
glaring war crimes, the United Methodist Church, 
with some resistance, has created the George W. 
Bush Presidential Center, with its library and 
museum, at Southern Methodist University in 
Dallas.  And Bush’s “tough times” as president 
earned him a book deal worth $7 million from 
Random House’s Crown Publishing Group. (“Bush 
Book Deal Worth $7 million,” The Daily Beast, 
Mar. 19, 2009).  Bush’s criminal co-conspirator 
Cheney has also signed a book contract, with 
Simon and Schuster, reportedly for over $2 
million. (“Cheney inks book deal - $2 million 
plus,” by Michael Calderon, Politico, June 24, 
2009)  And surely not “tough times” but lucrative 
times for Halliburton, where Cheney was CEO 
before becoming vice president.  Halliburton is 
the largest corporate contractor in Iraq, and by 
2005 reportedly received over $9 billion in 
no-bid contracts for providing various support 
services to the US troops, the total “mounting at 
about $6 billion a year, according to Army 
documents and officials.” (“Halliburton: $9.6 
Billion in Iraq So Far,” by Pamela Hess, United 
Press International, Feb. 25, 2005)  The fact 
that Bush and Cheney remain free and receive 
exceptional treatment is a commentary on the 
moral numbness of so many Easter worshippers.

The ethnocentric and exceptionalistic “love of 
God and country” undermining America’s morality 
and security is also seen in the recent Academy 
Award presentation for “Best Picture” to The Hurt 
Locker.  This acclaimed Hollywood film provides 
another measure of America’s immoral 
temperature.  Its portrayal of the bravery of 
American servicemen who locate and diffuse bombs 
in Iraq conveniently overshadows the US 
military’s illegal massive “shock and awe” 
bombing of Iraq, which indiscriminately killed 
and wounded tens of thousands of civilians and 
greatly impacted the country’s life-sustaining 
infrastructure.  The Hurt Locker is assumed to be 
an extension of the status quo’s guardian 
mainstream media’s role of covering up rather 
than uncovering the lies upon which grave 
injustices are perpetuated by the US government abroad and at home.

At Easter, multitudes of Christians will pack 
churches and celebrate “the resurrection of the 
dead.”  Tragically, the hearts of many are 
deadened to the victims of their government’s 
oppressive policies in their name.  They have 
been manipulated by and bought into political and 
corporate and religious fear- and 
war-mongering.  Rather than believing in animal 
sacrifice to ward off evil spirits, Christians 
believe in human sacrifice, i.e., the sacrificing 
of other people and their children­and even their 
own children­to ward off the evil spirits of 
those their government and its guardian media and 
corporate profiteers and accommodating religious 
leaders designate as “terrorists.”  Sadly, they 
are victims of their own ethnocentric and 
exceptionalistic Christian beliefs.  Beliefs that 
prevent them from seeing other persons as 
individuals who love and strive and laugh and cry 
as they do.  Their designated enemies are not 
“terrorists” but human beings whose numbers will 
grow and whose grief and anger and desire for 
revenge against America will surely intensify.

America’s strength is not found in military force 
but in the universally understood Golden 
Rule.  It is in treating others as we want to be 
treated that we discover a shared way to eternal 
life.  It is about the resurrection of the 
living.  The Biblical story of The Good Samaritan points the way.

A lawyer asked Jesus, “ ‘Teacher, what must I do 
to inherit eternal life?’”  When Jesus asked him, 
“What is written in the law,” he correctly 
replied, “You shall love the Lord your God with 
all your heart . . . and your neighbor as 
yourself.”  Then the lawyer, “wanting to justify 
himself,” asked the question which leads to the 
resurrection of the living: “And who is my 
neighbor?”  The real neighbor, Jesus said, was 
not a priest nor a Levite who “passed by on the 
other side” of a beaten and robbed traveler, but 
a Samaritan who dared to “come near him . . . was 
moved by pity . . . bandaged his wounds” and 
continued to provide care for him. (Luke 10: 25-37)

Easter is about waking up to reality and saying 
no to the injustices our government is committing 
in our name.  It is about saying yes to and 
redressing America’s victims­in Afghanistan and 
Pakistan and Iraq and the Palestinian territories 
and Haiti and elsewhere.  Easter is about drawing 
near to and empathizing with and binding up the 
wounds of the fallen and honoring their human rights.

Easter is about the resurrection of the living.

Rev. William E. Alberts, Ph.D. is a hospital 
chaplain and a diplomate in the College of 
Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy.  Both a 
Unitarian Universalist and a United Methodist 
minister, he has written research reports, essays 
and articles on racism, war, politics and 
religion.  He can be reached at 
<mailto:william.alberts at bmc.org>william.alberts at bmc.org.

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