[News] Miami Herald makes up story on Zelaya, Washington Post and NYT spread it

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Sep 29 12:49:08 EDT 2009


Published: Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Bylined to: <mailto:external at vheadline.com>Wayne Madsen

Miami Herald makes up story on Zelaya, Washington Post and NYT spread it

Online Journal (Wayne Madsen): WMR usually does not comment on 
propaganda masked as news emitted daily by the corporate media, but 
the September 24 report in the Miami Herald deserves to be panned for 
its flagrant attempt to portray ousted Honduran President Manuel 
Zelaya as a foolish "conspiracy theorist."

After sneaking back into Honduras with the help of loyal elements in 
the Honduran military, Zelaya has been besieged by Honduran police 
and military forces inside the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa. The 
Honduran junta has sporadically cut off electricity, water, and food 
supplies to the embassy, a violation of international law on the 
inviolability of diplomatic missions.

The Herald reported on a telephone interview with Zelaya and said the 
Honduran leader said he was being subjected to "high-frequency 
radiation" from Israeli mercenaries who are supporting the Honduran 
junta. The paper also reported that Zelaya said that the Israelis 
were using "mind-altering" gas and radiation.

In actuality, that is not what Zelaya stated in his conversation on 
September 24 with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who was attending 
the UN General Assembly session in New York.

Chavez said he spoke to Zelaya by phone at 1:00 pm EDT and the 
Honduran leader said a piece of equipment on the rooftop of a 
neighboring home had been recovered and brought into the embassy by 
Zelaya loyalists. When Zelaya checked the gear's serial number on the 
Internet, it turned out the equipment was a cell phone jamming device 
manufactured in Israel.

What Zelaya stated to Chavez and presumably to the Miami Herald is 
that the junta and its Israeli private security company advisers were 
jamming the cell phones of those holed up inside the embassy. Zelaya 
never spoke of radiation death rays but that is the impression the 
Herald gave and it was quickly picked up by various neocon and 
Zionist-controlled media outlets, including the usual suspects that 
continuously debase this web publication, to describe Zelaya as an 
anti-Semitic lunatic.

The same tactics by the neocon media have been used to mask 
propaganda as news in falsely reporting on comments and actions of 
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, Libya's leader Muammar 
Qaddafi, Bolivia's President Evo Morales, and Venezuela's President 
Hugo Chavez.

The neocon blogosphere and the George Soros-funded faux progressive 
outlets were all quick to claim that Zelaya's "mental state" 
justified the military coup against him in June.

In a September 25 editorial, the Washington Post, controlled by 
neoconservative and pro-Israeli interests in the same fashion as the 
Miami Herald is controlled by right-wing Cuban exile interests, Latin 
American oligarchs, and Miami's large Zionist Jewish community, 
deviously fed off the Herald's unsubstantiated report on Zelaya's 
comments by lending credence to the myth of Israeli "ray beams" and 
"poison gas." The Post, echoing its co-ideologists at the Herald, 
wrote that Zelaya was "reduced to making hysterical accusations about 
being bombarded with radiation and toxic gases by 'Israeli 
mercenaries.'" Zelaya and Chavez are constantly attacked by both 
papers while they hold up Colombia's narco-terrorist President Alvaro 
Uribe as a shining example of democracy.

The New York Times also got into the act in a September 25 story in 
which it claimed Zelaya made his "outrageous" statements about 
Israeli commandos planning to assassinate him and the Herald's 
"poison gas and radiation" canard in phone calls to the Radio Globo 
station in Honduras. However, the Herald's contributing reporter told 
this editor in New York that Zelaya made his claims in two telephone 
interviews conducted exclusively with the Miami Herald. The reason 
for the difference between the Herald, Post, and Times reports is 
clear: the Zelaya statement is not true but a propaganda operation 
that resulted in different slants on the same concocted story about 
"poison gas and radiation." El Pais of Spain also reported on an 
interview with Zelaya in which there was no claims made by Zelaya of 
mind-altering beams or poison gas.

The Herald also reported that Zelaya told them that he was being 
subjected to toxic gases. In fact, the Honduran military has used 
tear gas to disperse the crowds of Zelaya supporters outside the 
embassy grounds and the tear had wafted into the embassy through the 
windows and air conditioning system, resulting in breathing problems 
for Zelaya, the Brazilian diplomatic staff, and Zelaya's family and supporters.

One of the Herald's only true reports is from eyewitnesses outside 
the embassy who said that the Honduran military used a high-pitched 
sonic device on the embassy. Such sonic weapons have also been used 
by police and military forces against protesters at the G-20 summit 
in Pittsburgh.

It is also factual that an Israeli security company was hired by the 
coup leaders in June to train Honduran police how to handle 
pro-Zelaya protesters on the streets. The charge of Israeli 
involvement was made by Andres Pavon, the head of Honduras's human 
rights committee. There are reports that the Israeli company 
operating on behalf of the coup leaders is Delta Security. Israeli 
military advisers have been in Honduras since the 1980s when they 
arrived in the country with the approval of then-US ambassador John 
Negroponte to train Nicaraguan contra guerrillas based in the 
country. The Israelis also trained Honduran military units, as well 
as paramilitary death squads. The Israeli Likud support for the 
Hondurans and contras earned the condemnation of Yitzhak Rabin, who 
would later become prime minister of Israel and the first Israeli 
leader to die from an assassin's bullet -- a Binyamin Netanyahu 
supporter's bullet. Rabin told the Israeli newspaper Yedioth 
Ahronoth, "What do we have with Honduras? ... Israel's military 
interference in Central America only complicates and damages her 
position, image, and her interests with the few friends she still has."

Two Israeli companies -- NetLine Communications Inc., headquartered 
on Menachem Begin Street in Tel Aviv, and Special Electronics 
Security Products -- are leading manufacturers of cell phone jamming 
equipment used by police and military forces around the world. 
NetLine manufactures a remote-controlled cell phone jammer that jams 
all cell phone standards simultaneously, including GSM, CDMA, TDMA, 
and Nextel. There are reports that what was found on the roof of the 
building next to the Brazilian embassy was a C-Guard cell phone 
jammer manufactured by NetLine of Tel Aviv.

WMR can report that the Miami Herald story about Zelaya being 
subjected to "mind-altering" rays was the product of a New York-based 
Israeli propaganda network that acts in lockstep with the Israeli 
government on every occasion when Israel is caught involved in 
foreign adventurism and espionage.

The Miami Herald, which employs a number of Spanish-speaking 
reporters, did not verify that Zelaya's words were translated 
correctly from Spanish to English but the tactic being used against 
Zelaya is familiar Israeli propaganda. A Mossad front in Washington 
called the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is well-known 
for mistranslating the comments of Arab leaders, as well as Iran's 
Ahmadinejad and feeding the mistranslations to the corporate media, 
which avidly reports on the translations as factual news items.

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and 
nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of 
the Wayne Madsen Report.


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