[News] President Mao-Bama's Little Red Primer

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Sep 17 09:45:27 EDT 2009

Dear friends -
Sometimes, it's good to try to go back to the basics. - sd


Lesson One

      See the U.S. President. See the U.S. 
President give billions of tax dollars to help 
failing investment firms. See the U.S. President 
decide that terrorism suspects can be held 
without trial in “prolonged detention.” See the 
U.S. President oppose gay marriage and expand the war in Afghanistan.

      The U.S. President is black. Yet his 
policies are in line with those of our previous 
presidents, who were all white. Why is the black 
U.S. President carrying out these policies?

      The black U.S. President is carrying out 
these policies to prove that he is not a socialist.

      Uh-oh! See the rightwing pundits and 
congress members! See them rebuke and scorn the 
black U.S. President! They are sick of Big 
Government. Hear them accuse the black U.S. 
President of mind control. Hear them warn America 
that the black U.S. President will indoctrinate 
our children with Marxism and take away our freedom. Hear them call him a liar.

      Why are these people rebuking the black 
U.S. President? Is it because the new President 
is carrying out the policies of presidents before 
him? Is it because the government has grown 
bigger under the new President? Or is it because 
they are no longer allowed to call him a shiftless, no-good N-word?

      No. It is because the black U.S. President is a socialist.


      That is because you are not a political 
scientist. Political scientists know that 
sometimes politics is like the world of fashion.

      Sometimes, it takes a political scientist 
to see that socialism is the new Black.

Lesson 2

      See 400 years of U.S. history. See African 
Americans in U.S. history. See them since 1607 
behave in a radical socialist fashion.

      See African Americans challenge the means 
of production by escaping from plantations in a 
socialist fashion. See them attempt to overthrow 
the economic class system by getting their heads 
busted open by state troopers in a socialist 
fashion. See them weaken the profit motive by 
popularizing spirituals, jazz, blues, and “folk” 
music in a socialist fashion. Some African 
Americans have even used shame-based communist 
rhetoric to obtain “equal” rights.

      Now see European Americans in U.S. history. 
See them regard the 400-year legacy of 
African-American socialism with deep pain. See 
European Americans cringe at this long history of 
great wrongs. Oh, the socialism! The horrible, 
horrible socialism – which they were powerless to 
stop! Will there never be an end to Euro-American suffering?

      Maybe. See the African-American President 
offer everyone Hope. Hope for Change! The 
President is determined to make everyone happy. 
He is trying hard to see both sides of any issue! He –

      Oops. See the African-American President 
make a mistake. See him criticize the arrest of a 
fellow African American for trying to enter his 
own home. Hear the President say the arresting officer acted “stupidly.”

      Whee-boom! That is the falling-down sound 
of white America’s approval rating for the new 
President. The President has failed. He just 
cannot overcome his natural inclination to behave in a socialist fashion.

      Let’s face it: Although he supports all 
forms of capitalism, the President is really a 
communist dictator. He is a regular Mao-bama. See 
him bang his shoe on the White House podium. Hear 
him threaten to bury us with healthcare death 
panels. He wants to create two, three, many Free 
Trade Zones. He wants a thousand iPods to bloom.

      The President holds great power. He has 
come a long way in his life. Yet there are things 
about U.S. history that he does not understand. 
The President does not understand that, no matter 
how powerful he is, or how far he has come, he 
still can’t mouth off to a white cop.

      Can somebody please go get the President a beer?

Lesson Three

      See the angry Middle Americans. See them 
march on Washington. They are marching against 
Big Government. Are they protesting the 
President’s recent Big Government support for the 
nuclear power industry? No, they are protesting the President’s socialism.

      Hear them sing “God Bless America.” See 
them carry signs that call the President a 
“parasite in chief.” See them wave Confederate 
flags. Silly us – we didn’t know that Confederate 

      Now see the U.S. Left. The U.S. Left 
actually wants socialism! The U.S. Left is made 
up of many factions, each of which wants a 
different kind of socialism. But all U.S. Left 
factions are united in their disagreement with 
the President’s policies. They are also united in not marching on Washington.

      See the U.S. Left quietly watching the U.S. 
Right on the march. See it watch the U.S. Right 
usurp the Left’s own protest tactics to overthrow 
a socialist president who staunchly supports 
capitalism so that the U.S. Right can regain 
power and implement the same policies as those of 
the previous president whose policies closely 
resembled those of the current socialist President except that he is black.

      Aren’t you glad we live in a post-racial society?

      Beers for everyone, bartender!

                                    © Susie Day, 2009

Obama and prolonged detention:


Obama and gay marriage:


Obama and Afghanistan:




1607: Slavery in the United States started with 
the first English colonization of North America in Virginia in 1607:

Brion Davis, Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall 
of Slavery in the New World. Oxford University Press. 2006. p. 124.

Obama’s “acted stupidly” remark:


Obama’s white approval rating:


Obama and nuclear power:


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