[News] Negotiations with the Israelis is impossible - assault on Jerusalem

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Oct 8 11:45:21 EDT 2009

Two articles follow

Parliamentarian calls for collective pause to 
restore unity and repel pressure to resume negotiation

08.10.09 - 13:04

Ramallah / PNN – Member of the Legislative 
Council and Secretary General of the National 
Initiative, Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi said today 
that resuming negotiations with the Israelis is at this point impossible.

Speaking in the central West Bank city of 
Ramallah, Dr. Barghouthi called for a collective 
pause to restore national unity in order to repel 
external pressure to resume negotiations.

“After what happened with the Goldstone report we 
must insist on a settlement freeze in all forms 
in all of the occupied territory, including 
Jerusalem, and refuse to resume negotiations 
before achieving three conditions including 
freezing settlements, international resolutions 
and the Arab Initiative as a framework for 
negotiation, and a time frame for the complete end of the occupation.”

The Palestinian official added his voice today to 
the dozens of appeals stating that a collective 
stance is of the essence in order to “face the Israeli schemes.”

The Cairo meeting for national dialogue opens 
prospects for the restoration of national unity, 
said Barghouthi, including a unified national 
leadership. “This must be accompanied,” he added, 
“by a principled position to not resume 
negotiations unless all settlement activities are 
frozen and there is a commitment to a timeframe 
for ending the occupation and establishing a 
fully sovereign Palestinian state with the 
application of international resolutions and the right of refugees to return.”

Before President Abbas met with the Israeli Prime 
Minister and American President on the sidelines 
of the United Nations General Assembly in New 
York, the Palestinian condition for the 
resumption of negotiations was the freezing of 
settlement activity. The Israeli administration 
refused the call and said instead that it would 
continue expansion despite protests from the United States.

Barghouthi warned Thursday that the Israeli 
administration is “trying to recruit 
international parties to its side to force the 
Palestinians to back off from the national 
constants as the basis for a solution.”

He added that the “battle over Jerusalem is the 
battle against the ethnic cleansing being carried 
out by the Netanyahu government in the city.”
Chief Palestinian Justice: Jerusalem is at the 
core of the conflict with the Israeli occupation

08.10.09 - 12:49

Jerusalem / PNN – Chief Justice of Palestine 
Sheikh Taysir Tamimi spoke today in a meeting on the situation in Jerusalem.

The increase in the Israeli assault on the 
occupied city, including home evictions and the 
siege on Al Aqsa Mosque, have raised concerns 
over the future viability of East Jerusalem. The 
Mosque is under direct threat of being divided, 
Tamimi noted Thursday, in the manner of Hebron’s 
Ibrihimi Mosque which is now a partial synagogue.

To the Arab League Sheikh Tamimi said that 
further practical steps are required to preserve 
the Islamic heritage of the city, in particular 
Al Aqsa Mosque, and that citizens need full 
support in facing “schemes of the occupation to Judaize the city.”

He said, “It is critical to create Arab pressure 
on the US administration to do its part to 
prevent the Netanyahu government from committing 
further ethnic cleansing and actions against the city.”

Tamimi added that Jerusalem is the “core of the 
conflict between us and the Israeli occupation”, 
referring to the occupied city as the symbol of 
Palestine, in particular as it is home to both Al 
Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

The Chief Palestinian Justice also asked that the 
Arab League go the UN Security Council and demand 
the application of Chapter VII of the Charter of 
the United Nations to compel the Israeli 
government to stop actions aimed at Judaizing 
Jerusalem, including the demolition of homes and the displacement of people.

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