[News] U.S. Palestine Community Network

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Tue Oct 6 10:29:41 EDT 2009

U.S. Palestine Community Network (USPCN)
Planning Meeting
September 26, 2009
Chicago, Illinois

More than 40 Palestinians from 10 cities across the United States met 
in Chicago, IL on
September 26, 2009 for the first major USPCN convening since the 
Popular Conference
in 2008 and several national events in 2009 including the Hanien 
tour, Bishop Attallah
Hanna's visit and our participation in the Viva Palestina convoy to 
Gaza. Grounded in
our attachment to Palestine and justice for all Palestinians, USPCN members and
participants reaffirmed our commitment to continue the work of USPCN as a
networking body giving a voice and representation to Palestinians in 
the United States.

Given the current lack of responsible and accountable Palestinian 
leadership and its
absolute complicity to U.S. and Israeli demands violating 
International law on the
ground today, participants voiced the critical need for a 
democratically elected
Palestinian body in Palestine and the Diaspora, including the US. 
Mahmud Abbas and
the PA must be held accountable for their disastrous policies, 
including the decision to
withdraw PA support for the Goldstone Report at the UN Human Rights 
Council. The
Palestinian "government's" failure to challenge Israel's policies 
towards Gaza, the Aqsa
Mosque, and Palestinian prisoners testifies to its utter impotence. 
Furthermore, Abbas,
Fayyad and their inner circle bear complete responsibility for 
undermining, at the
behest of the US and Israel, Palestinian calls for unification.

USPCN upholds and supports all attempts to reach Palestinian national 
unity as a
primary step to defend our national rights as a people. We ask all 
factions, especially
Fateh and Hamas, to make unity against plans to liquidate the 
Palestinian struggle a top
priority, and to remain committed to the principles that unite 
Palestinians inside
Palestine and in exile, namely the right of return, right to self 
determination, and the
end of the colonization and occupation of Palestine.

Steadfast in our commitment to the principles of liberation and 
return, the meeting in
Chicago was productive, with several critical decisions made and 
projects initiated.

These decisions and projects are as follows:

USPCN Structure

1) Reviewed and affirmed New York Meeting summary: "We continue working as a
network among different individuals and organization, establishing new contacts
and local chapters; and the CC (Coordinating Committee) will be the primary
resource for coordination".
2) Adopted a structure for the USPCN body.
3) Formed and elected a new National Coordinating Committee of 19 members, 16
were elected from their local communities and 3 special skills members are yet
to be determined.

USPCN Projects

1) Participation in the United States Social Forum (USSF) in 2010.
2) Sponsoring youth camps in the Eastern and Western regions of the 
U.S. followed
by a national youth delegation to Palestine.
3) Convening a second Popular Conference to take place in 2010.

USPCN Committees

1) Establishing the Jerusalem Committee: connecting Palestinians in the US to
national figures in Palestine (Mosques, churches and social justice groups) to
protect Jerusalem from the continuous Israeli attacks and land confiscations.
2) Resisting visa restrictions on Palestinians: campaign to lift 
restrictions on
Palestinian U.S. citizens' visas to visit Jerusalem and other parts 
of Palestine
3) Sister City projects: supporting local family sponsorship programs and
encouraging programs that aim at twinning US and Palestinian cities and towns.
4) Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS): supporting the BDS movement by
providing outreach and networking assistance when possible in all cities where
the USPCN has local committees.
5) Securing scholarships for Palestinian refugees to attend universities inside
6) Breaking the Siege on Gaza: assist, participate and sponsor 
solidarity attempts to
help lift the siege on Gaza.

USPCN Next Planning Meeting

The participants agreed to hold their next planning meeting in the city of San
Francisco on December 11-12, 2009.

For more information or to get involved with the USPCN, please visit 
our website at
http://www.palestineconference.org or email uspcn at palestineconference.org

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