[News] UN vote condemns US embargo on Cuba 187-3

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Wed Oct 28 14:57:06 EDT 2009

UN vote condemns US embargo on Cuba 187-3

By PAUL HAVEN (AP) – 44 minutes ago

UNITED NATIONS ­ The U.N. General Assembly on 
Wednesday overwhelmingly condemned the 47-year 
U.S. trade embargo on Cuba, an annual ritual that 
serves to highlight global opposition to 
America's hard-line policy toward the communist 
island, but which has done little to change 
Washington's stance, even with a new administration.

This year's vote was 187-3 in opposition to the 
embargo, up from 185-3 last year, with only 
Israel and the tiny Pacific island nation of 
Palau supporting the United States. It was the 
19th year in a row that the General Assembly has 
taken up the symbolic measure, with Washington 
steadily losing what little support it once had.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez ticked off 
a long list of grievances in his speech before 
the world body, saying the embargo ­ which the 
Cubans refer to as a blockade ­ had cost the 
island's fragile economy tens of billions of 
dollars over the years and prevented Cuban 
children from getting needed medical care.

"The blockade is an uncultured act of arrogance," 
Rodriguez said. He likened the policy to "an act 
of genocide" that is "ethically unacceptable."

It was the first time the world body has taken 
the vote since U.S. President Barack Obama took 
office in January, promising to extend a hand of 
friendship to Washington's traditional enemies.

The administration has loosened financial and 
travel restrictions on Americans with relatives 
in Cuba, and started talks aimed at restoring 
direct mail links. It sent a senior diplomat to 
Havana in September for unannounced meetings with 
Cuban officials that were believed to be the 
highest-level talks between the two countries in decades.

Still, Washington has made clear it is not 
prepared to lift the embargo until Cuba accepts 
some political, economic and financial changes.

Rodriguez said the question of the embargo 
represented a "test of character" for the U.S. and its new president.

"President Obama has a historical opportunity to 
lead a change of policy toward Cuba and the 
lifting of the blockade," he said, but lamented 
that "since the election" of the new U.S. leader 
"there has not been any change in the 
implementation of the economic, commercial and 
financial blockade against Cuba."

U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice reacted strongly, 
calling Rodriguez's statements "hostile" and 
"straight out of the Cold War era."

Still, she said the Obama administration was 
committed to writing "a new chapter to this old 
story" by engaging with the Cuban government. 
Rice used her speech to highlight the steps the 
Obama administration had taken to improve ties.

"We hope they can be the starting point for 
further changes in the relationship," she said. 
"The United States has demonstrated that we are 
prepared to engage the government of Cuba on 
issues that effect the security and well being of both our peoples."

One after another, global representatives stood 
to speak in opposition to the embargo, calling it 
a cruel anachronism that ran counter to 
international law and which had only succeeded in 
hurting ordinary Cubans, particularly women and children.

Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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