[News] Honduras-Haiti Vigil - Thurs Oct 29 4:30 Oakland

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Oct 27 11:25:24 EDT 2009

2 important events Thursday-See below for Dr. Luther Castillo in SF

Honduras/Haiti Vigil: Thurs. Oct. 29 - 4:30-5:30

Oakland Federal Building - 1301 Clay St (12th St. BART)

Hondurans and Haitians are still in the streets 
protesting political kidnappings and coups.

** Haitian President Aristide and Honduran 
President Zelaya - both kidnapped from their 
homes in the middle of the night and flown into 
exile in military coups. US involvement in both 
abductions is clear. This is intolerable.

** Aristide was abducted by US Special Forces in 
2004 and flown to  Africa on a US military plane. 
He is still in exile in Africa.

** Zelaya was seized in his pajamas -- by troops 
under the command of a general trained at the US 
School of the Americas -- and flown to the US 
military base at Soto Cano, then to Costa Rica.

** It has been over 2 years since the kidnapping 
and disappearance of Haitian human rights leader 
Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine. Yet the authorities have sat on their hands.

President Aristide, a liberation theology priest 
with a 91.8% mandate (2000 election), was removed 
because he fought to eliminate poverty. His 
policies angered the Haitian elite and the US 
which profit from sweatshops, privatisation and 
the import of [US] rice which has destroyed the 
local agriculture and contributed to starvation. 
Like Zelaya in Honduras and Chávez in Venezuela 
(who also faced a coup in 2002), Aristide 
increased the minimum wage, and invested in food, health and education.

Return Zelaya to the Presidency!

Return Aristide to Haiti!

Return Lovinsky!

Sponsored by Global Women's Strike, Haiti Action 
Committee and Women of Color in the Global 
Women's Strike. Endorsed by Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Coalition.


Thurs. Oct. 29, 7-10pm

Presentation about the Military Coup in Honduras with Dr. Luther Castillo

Centro del Pueblo, 474 Valencia St., at 16th St., SF

Dr. Luther Castillo is a young Garifuna doctor 
and community organizer who is the

founder and director of the hospital that is 
bears the name "For the Health of Our

People" (Luaga Hatuadi Waduheno in the Garifuna 
language). On October 7th at 6am

three army patrols broke down the doors and stormed the Garifuna hospital.

The hospital and clinic is dedicated to providing 
the most important health services

to the indigenous communities isolated on the 
Atlantic Coast. After graduating from

the Latin American School of Medicine in Cuba in 
2005, Dr. Castillo returned to the

coast of Honduras and led the construction of the 
first "Garifuna hospital" which

now serves 20,000 people in the area. The 
hospital opened in December 2007 and Dr.

Castillo was named "Honduran Doctor of the Year" for 2007 by the International

Rotary Clubs of Tegucigalpa.

Since the military coup on June 28, 2009, Dr. Castillo

and the hospital have been subject to many 
threats of closure and other attacks by

the military.

The event is a fundraiser for the National 
Resistance Front against the military

coup in Honduras.

Sponsored by Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Coalition, of which the ANSWER

Coalition is a member. Call 415-821-6545 or visit

for more info.

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
415 863-9977

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