[News] Posada Carriles - A Very Important Liar

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Tue Oct 20 16:49:36 EDT 2009

October 20, 2009

The Untold Story of the Cuban Five

A Very Important Liar


Luis Posada Carriles is a real VIP enjoying 
unique courtesies and privileges not offered to 
other dignitaries and celebrities. But he is also 
a self-confessed and duly certified international terrorist.
    * Posada began his long carrier with the 
early actions against the Cuban Revolution, 
including the Bay of Pigs fiasco and several 
years as the CIA man in Venezuelan political 
police where he became a leader of some conspicuous torturers;
    * Posada was sought by Interpol, since he 
escaped from a Venezuelan prison in 1985 – Hugo 
Chávez was still an unknown young man – while on 
trial for masterminding the first destruction 
ever of a civilian airplane in midair and the 
murder in cold blood of 73 human beings;
    * Posada emerged immediately in Central 
America as a key figure in the Iran-Contra scam, 
being mentioned several times during the US 
Senate investigation and in Oliver North’s notebook;
    * Posada published his autobiography – a 
Miami bestseller - and has appeared many times in the local and US media;
    * Posada twice landed on the front page of 
The New York Times, in consecutive issues, 
describing his responsibility in the bombing campaign in Cuba in the 1990s;
    * Posada was found guilty by a Panamanian 
tribunal of crimes associated with a plot to bomb 
the University in order to kill Fidel Castro and 
hundreds of students and professors; being 
illegally  pardon by the President of Panama, on 
the eve of her last day in office and after 
receiving special emissaries sent in a hurry by George W. Bush;
    * Posada again went into “hiding” somewhere 
in Central America, but maintained constant 
communication with his pals in the Cuban American 
National Foundation and other terrorist groups 
and collected money from frequent well publicized fundraisings.

Yes, it's been a long career of infamy, always on 
behalf of US goals and interests as proudly proclaimed by his Miami lawyer.

If we are to believe his words all through that 
period Posada has visited the US several times, 
although unnoticed. One day he decided to settle 
there for good. After all, his family has been residing in Miami for decades.

And then he went back home.

Posada Carriles entered Florida in March 2005, 
clandestinely, without a US visa, like millions 
of Latinos try to do unsuccessfully time and 
again. But he was not arrested, much less 
deported. The story of how he did it in the 
Santrina boat with the help of his US based 
terrorist network was described in a Yucatan 
newspaper, “Por Esto”, in a story widely 
disseminated through the continent. Everybody 
knew it except the Bush Administration, which 
insisted for two months that they knew nothing 
about his whereabouts--until, that is, Posada 
convened a press conference in May to announce 
his willingness to continue waging from Miami his 
total warfare against the Cuban Revolution.

Having no other option, the Bush Administration 
detained Posada and took him to the immigration 
facility in El Paso, where they had prepared for 
him VIP quarters, completely separated from the 
general population, with special food and 
amenities of every sort, even the possibilities 
to meet friends and journalists. Posada’s only 
grumble: the US protocol failed to provide him Cuban guava pastries.

According to official papers submitted by the US 
Government to migratory Courts, Washington 
deployed strenuous diplomatic efforts trying to 
convince other countries to grant shelter and 
protection to Posada. American diplomats 
approached governments in Central and South 
America and even in Europe asking them to receive 
the notorious VIP. Without exception the answer always was: No thanks.

Ironically Washington has yet to answer the 
diplomatic note presented by Venezuela on June 
15, 2005 for his detention and subsequent 
extradition to Caracas in accordance with the 
Extradition Treaty existing between both countries.

The Bush Administration, and so far his 
successor, choose to accuse him of being a liar 
and entered in a deliberately confused litigation 
with Mr. Posada for allegedly not being truthful 
with immigration officials about how he entered 
the country. As a result, an administrative Court 
sent Posada home to keep comfortable, arguing for 
his formal admission by authorities who have 
shown such unparalleled patience and understanding.

How many undocumented poor Latinos have had that 
opportunity? How many of them have, in the 
meantime, been freed and allowed to walk away 
unmolested and do whatever they want to?

Posada doesn’t complain anymore. He is a free man 
in Miami eating plenty of guava pastries.

Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada is president of the Cuban National Assembly.

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