[News] Protest Olmert - SF Oct 22 - Chicago Oct 15

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Oct 14 16:15:39 EDT 2009

Protest Olmert!

Union Square, San Francisco
October 22 6pm


Protest Ehud Olmert, former Prime Minister and  war criminal for his 
role in the brutal attack on Gaza in December/January, who will be 
appearing as a speaker for the 
Affairs Council. (see also 

On Thursday October 22, while former Prime Minister Olmert speaks in 
the St Francis Hotel, we will be gathered outside on Union Square. We 
want Israel and its leaders held accountable for their crimes against 
the people of Palestine and Lebanon.

We support the findings of the 
Report, that detail the crimes committed by Israel during its war 
against the whole people of Gaza of last December/January, in 
"Operation Cast Lead". President Obama and most politicians have 
simply refused to take this report seriously, some by vocally 
rejecting it, or just ignoring it completely.

It is therefore up to us, civil society, to again do what politicians 
are just too afraid to do. Call for universal application of human 
rights and international law. This will be the message of our 
protest. We demand that Olmert, who initiated "Operation Cast Lead" 
be held directly responsible for the crimes that took place. Olmert 
is also responsible for the insane attack against Lebanon in the 
Summer of 2006. Olmert shares criminal responsibility for the siege 
on Gaza that leaves children hungry and 1.5 million people in 
desperate circumstances.

Please plan on being there. Please spread the word. We need to stand 
together to create a new reality. We will not accept that Israel may 
act with impunity and total disregard for human life. This protest is 
our opportunity to stand up and be counted.

Chicago October 15th

Protest in Chicago

Al-Awda, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)-Chicago, 
American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Arab Student Union at Moraine 
Valley, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN), 
International Solidarity Movement (ISM), Palestine Solidarity Group 
(PSG), Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at DePaul & UIC, 
respectively, and United States Palestine Community Network (USPCN) 
ask you all to join us to.....

Protest Ehud Olmert at University of Chicago

WHEN: Thursday, October 15th, at 3:30 PM

WHERE: University of Chicago's Mandel Hall
1131 E. 57th Street, Chicago (Hyde Park)

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will be speaking at the 
University of Chicago next Thursday, October 15th. He has been 
invited by the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, 
which is using grant money supplied by King Abdullah II of Jordan to 
pay for the program.

A coalition of Palestinian, Muslim and human rights groups are 
outraged that the University of Chicago would invite Olmert, who was 
prime minister during Operation Cast Lead, in which Israel Defense 
Forces killed more than 1,400 Palestinians and wounded more than 
5,300. Olmert is also responsible for implementing the siege on Gaza, 
now well into its third year. The siege has plunged more than 80 
percent of the population into abject poverty. More than 400,000 
people have no access to clean drinking water, according to the 
United Nations. Israel is violating international law and the Fourth 
Geneva Convention in denying basic human and civil rights to the 
occupied people of Palestine.

In light of the Goldstone Report, which found Israel guilty of war 
crimes and possible crimes against humanity during Operation Cast 
Lead in December 2008 and January 2009, we denounce the Harris School 
for its completely unacceptable and reprehensible invitation to Olmert.

Freedom Archives
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San Francisco, CA 94110

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