[News] Committee formed to investigate Abbas as he agrees to postpone Goldstone

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Mon Oct 5 11:19:04 EDT 2009

Committee formed to investigate President Abbas 
as he agrees with Washington to postpone Goldstone

05.10.09 - 16:18

Ramallah / special to PNN – Early Monday a 
committee was formed to investigate the 
circumstances of the Palestinian Authority 
agreeing to back-off from the Goldstone Report.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked the 
Palestinian leadership to support postponing a 
vote to accept the findings that proved the 
Israelis committed war crimes in Gaza. The public 
has taken to the streets for demonstrations, the 
most major being in central Ramallah’s Manara Circle this afternoon.

The committee formed is considered to be of 
political importance because it is the first time 
that Mahmoud Abbas and his capacity as Chairman 
of the Palestinian Authority and Palestine 
Liberation Organization, and as President of 
Palestine, is being seriously investigated.

On the home front several accusations are flying 
and none of them are good. The investigating 
committee is composed of three figures, led by 
member of the PLO Executive Committee Hanna 
Amira. The Secretary of the Central Election 
Commission and the Commissioner-General of Public 
Accountability are also involved.

Palestinian official Yasser Abed Rabbo announced 
today that the Committee's task is “a thorough 
investigation into the circumstances of 
postponing the decision of the United Nations 
Council for Human Rights on the Goldstone report 
of on war crimes and possible crimes against 
humanity committed during the Israeli aggression 
on the Gaza Strip, as well as to determine the 
responsibilities in this regard.”

Abed Rabbo said that the committee was formed 
after discussions with President Abbas and 
members of the Executive Committee, along with 
Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. He noted that the 
Commission would submit its report during the 
meeting of the Executive Committee of the 
Palestine Liberation Organization within two weeks.

The Arab League has also registered a complaint, 
saying that it had not been consulted nor 
informed. Its sources found that the US has 
pressured Arab countries as well as the 
Palestinian leadership to withdraw the report, 
and not merely postpone the debate.

Given the fact that the Palestine Liberation 
Organization only has observer status at the 
United Nations and is not a permanent member, the 
acceptance of any request by the UN of the 
Palestinian mission is called into question.

Meanwhile leftists in the West Bank are asking 
whether the “clean members of Fateh” will rectify 
the situation, or whether the Palestinian 
“leadership” will become on entirely disconnected 
from the people and run instead from Washington.

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