[News] Labor Secretary Heads to Honduras

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Nov 3 11:39:20 EST 2009

Big Gun: US Labor Secretary Hilda Solis Heads to Honduras Tuesday

Posted by <http://narcosphere.narconews.com/users/al-giordano>Al 
Giordano - November 2, 2009 at 7:18 pm


(perhaps a bit of wishful thinking, definitely clever move, 
interesting to know nonetheless)

With the agreed-upon November 5 deadline for restitution of Honduras 
President Manuel Zelaya approaching, the White House has just sent in 
a big gun. US Labor Secretary Hilda Solis - arguably the most 
progressive member of the Obama cabinet - was appointed today to be 
one of four members of the "Verification Commission" that is charged 
with making sure all sides comply with last Friday's agreement signed 
in Tegucigalpa to end the coup d'etat.

The <http://narconews.com/Issue61/article3910.html>agreement's 
timeline is clear as day:

October 30, 2009

1. Signing and entrance of the Accord into effect.

2. Formal delivery of the Accord to Congress for the effects of Point 
5, "Regarding the Executive Power."

November 2, 2009

1. Formation of the Verification Commission.

After the signing of this Accord and no later than November 5

1. Formation and installation of the National Unity and 
Reconciliation Government.

Other members of the verification committee are former Chilean 
President Ricardo Lagos, President Zelaya's UN Ambassador Jorge 
Eduardo Reina Idiaquez and coup regime lackey Arturo Corrales 
Alvarez, who will no doubt be outnumbered by the other three if he 
tries to join the anti-democracy extremists of the coup regime in 
stalling implementation of the agreement.

Lagos is a particularly interesting addition to the Verification 
Commission. In 1972, Chilean President Salvador Allende nominated him 
as ambassador to the Soviet Union and Congress refused to vote on his 
nomination. After the 1973 coup d'etat in Chile he was forced into 
exile to Argentina and then the United States. He returned to Chile 
to lead the resistance against the coup regime of General Augusto 
Pinochet, including the successful "vote no" referendum of 1988 that 
brought down the then fifteen-year-old coup regime.

That the White House chose Secretary Solis - obviously not from the 
State Department, but a cabinet member on equal footing with 
Secretary Hillary Clinton - sends a clear message that it means 
business (and perhaps that the hemming and hawing that characterized 
State's mixed-message behavior toward the Honduras crisis all summer 
long has come to its overdue conclusion). Solis is strongly allied 
with labor union organizations in the US, which have their own 
alliances with many of the unions that make the backbone of the 
Honduran Civil Resistance.

In addition to speaking Spanish, both Solis and Lagos know plenty 
about how civil resistance works and how to combat the stalling 
tactics of those in power. Solis already bested the stalling tactics 
of Republicans in the US Congress earlier this year that attempted to 
block her nomination. Lagos has already dismantled one coup regime. 
He now gets the chance to dismantle another.

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