[News] Palestinian groups slam Israel’s new law

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Thu May 28 13:54:04 EDT 2009

Palestinian factions slam Israel's new law


  Thursday May 28, 2009 02:48
 by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies 
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Several Palestinians factions strongly denounced the new Israeli bill 
that calls for punishing any citizen of Israel for not recognizing 
the country as a Jewish democratic state. The bill passed in the 
first reading at the Knesset on Wednesday.

The factions stated that Israel is targeting the very existence of 
the Arabs and is trying to enforce racist laws that aim at voiding 
the internationally guaranteed Right of Return of the Palestinian Refugees.

Nafith Azzam, a political leader of the Islamic Jihad, stated that 61 
years after the Nakba, and after committing war crimes and acts of 
ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians, annexing their lands, and 
expelling them, Israel is still living in its smokescreen of fear and 
is trying to enforce racist laws against the natives of this land.

Azzam demanded the international community to have a clear stance 
regarding such racist laws, and to stop demanding the Palestinians to 
recognize Israel as a precondition for peace talks, especially since 
Israel never recognized the Palestinian rights.

Hamas movement also slammed the law and said that it aims at forcing 
the Palestinians out of their lands, and denying the Right of Return 
to the Palestinians who were forced out of their homeland in 1948.

Hamas leader, Ismail Radwan, said that this is a racist law made by a 
racist entity, and added that it aims at targeting the Palestinian 
steadfastness and the very existence of the Palestinians in the 1948 

He demanded the Palestinian negotiators to "stop chasing the mirage 
of arbitrary peace talks", and to stop all sorts of security 
cooperation with the occupation.

The popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) said that 
this law is yet another proof that Israel is a racist state, and an 
entity that is based on apartheid, violence and oppression.

The PFLP also said that the law reflects the violent nature of Israel 
and its ongoing violations against democracy and human rights.

The PFLP called for unity among all factions in order to achieve 
liberation and the Right of Return. It called for ongoing struggle 
against settlements, the Wall and the Israeli attempts to force the 
Palestinians out of Jerusalem.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) said that 
this law aims at expelling the Arabs from their cities and towns.

Member of the DFLP Central Committee, Talal Abu Tharifa, said that 
recognizing Israel as a Jewish State means emptying Palestine from 
its native Palestinians, voiding the Right of Return, and added that 
this law is considered a continuation of Israel's war against the 

He called for ending the internal Palestinian conflicts and achieving 
unity to counter the Israeli aggression and racist laws.

The Palestinian People Party (PPP) said that this law is racist and 
violates every principle of democracy and human rights.

The PPP added that this law is another Israeli call for transferring 
the Arabs out of their homeland so that Zionist groups can establish 
the Zionist state.

The party called on all Palestinians and international peace groups 
to reject this law and act against it, in addition to supporting the 
Palestinian right of independence and statehood.

The law was passed in preliminary reading on Wednesday by 47 votes, 
while 34 members of Knesset opposed it, one member of Knesset abstained.

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