[News] Thousands commemorate the Nakba in Gaza

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Mon May 18 11:18:37 EDT 2009

Thousands commemorate the Nakba in Gaza

  Sunday May 17, 2009 01:12
 by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies 
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Thousands of Palestinians commemorated the 61st anniversary of the 
Nakba, as Hamas and the Islamic Jihad organized massive protests in 
various parts of the Gaza Strip.

Dozens of protests were held in Gaza and the residents marched 
towards areas overlooking Palestinian lands illegally captured by 
Israel in 1948, and the inhabitants were forced out. The protestors 
chanted for heir internationally guaranteed Right of Return.

The protestors carried Palestinian flags, flags of Hamas, Islamic 
Jihad, and other factions, and also carried banners that included the 
names of Palestinian cities and villages destroyed by the Israeli 
forces during the Nakba. Some of the banners read "Israel is a 
cancer, implanted by injustice and terrorism", the Arabs48 news 
website reported.

They also chanted "We will return to Haifa, we will return to every 
part of our land", and "We will never recognize Israel".

The protestors also called on the resistance to remain steadfast and 
said that resistance is the only means to regain the stolen 
Palestinian rights.

They carried symbolic keys representing the key of homes destroyed 
during the Nakba after the Palestinians were forced out of their 
homes and lands, and dozens of protestors carried official documents 
proving ownership of homes and lands located in what became the state 
of Israel.

Palestinian legislator of Hamas, deputy head of the Palestinian 
legislative council (PLC), Ahmad Bahar, said that the Right of Return 
is a holy right, and that the Palestinian people, the Palestinian 
factions, will never accept compensation, and will remain determined 
to return to their cities, villages and towns.

He demanded the United States and its president, Obama, not to 
overlook the Israeli massacres in Gaza, and demanded the Arab League 
to lift the Israeli siege.

Bahar also said that the Pope should have visited Gaza and observed 
"the holocaust inflicted by the Israeli forces on the Palestinian people".

Meanwhile, Islamic Jihad leader, Khader Habib, said that his movement 
will never give up any part of Palestine, and added that the 
"occupation is a strange plant that would be uprooted by the mujahidin".

In a protest organized by the Islamic Jihad in Beit Lahia, in the 
northern part of the Gaza Strip, Habib, said that Palestine is for 
the Palestinians, and that it cannot be divided.

Thousands of Palestinians mark the Nakba in Gaza

Saturday May 16, 2009 - 01:09

Palestinian sources in the Gaza Strip reported Friday that thousands 
of Palestinians participated on Friday after noon prayers in a 
procession, called for by Hamas, to mark 61st anniversary of the Nakba.

Dozens of protests were carried out starting from different mosques 
in Gaza, and the protesters chanted for the Right of Return.

Speakers at the protests said that the Right of Return passes from 
one generation to the other, and that no Palestinian will ever give 
up this internationally guaranteed right.

They also said that resistance would continue and would defend the 
rights of the Palestinians who are steadfast and determined to 
achieve their rights of independence and liberation.

Dozens of protestors carried Palestinians flags, symbolic keys 
resembling the keys to their homes destroyed during Israel's 
creation, maps of historic Palestine, and official documents that 
prove their right to their homes and lands they were forced to 
evacuate during the Nakba.

Hamas spokesperson in northern Gaza, Abdul-Latif Al Qanoa', stated 
that the six million Palestinian refugees in Palestine and in 
different parts of the world are determined to achieve their Right of 
Return to their towns and homeland.

He also said that Hamas will never accept to give up this right, and 
will remain steadfast to protect the legitimate rights of the 
Palestinian people.

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