[News] Update on the Arrested Arab Community Members

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Mar 25 19:11:00 EDT 2009


There has an incredible outpouring of support from people in the 
community which has been very important in pressuring the SFPD, the 
Mayor's office and the DA's office to drop the excessive charges 
against members of our community.

We have some good news. Lily and Nadeen's charges have been 
dismissed. Charges are usually dismissed if there was something 
technically wrong with the charge or arrest that prevented prosecution.

We are still waiting to hear the results of three other arrestees who 
will be going to their arraignment in the next couple of days so it 
is important to keep the pressure on. We thank you for all your phone 
calls and emails to the DA's office as we believe the pressure will 
continue to produce some good results.

It is important to continue calling the DA's office and asking them 
to drop the charges on all those that were arrested in the March 21 
anti-war March, including the two minors. Please continue to call and email:

San Francisco District Attorney's Office:

call 415.553.1752
press 1 for english
follow instructions to use directory
press: harris# (427747#)
asks you for more letters: kamala# (526252#)

puts you through to Kamala Harris' secretary (DA)

email: <mailto:DistrictAttorney at sfgov.org>DistrictAttorney at sfgov.org

Please direct your questions to the following point people around the 
areas that they are coodinating -
(<http://us.mc01g.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=maherah1218@yahoo.com>maherah1218 at yahoo.com) 
and Mai-Stella 
(<http://us.mc01g.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=maistella.k@gmail.com>maistella.k at gmail.com) 
- Fundraising
(<http://us.mc01g.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=clymbertos@hotmail.com>clymbertos at hotmail.com) 
- Media and Communications
(<http://us.mc01g.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=ramakased@gmail.com>ramakased at gmail.com) 
and Marissa 
(<http://us.mc01g.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=marashkar@yahoo.com>marashkar at yahoo.com) 
- Legal Support

Please continue to keep those donations coming!! We need to urgently 
raise money for the legal defense, so send all contributions to 
Maherah Silmi at 1333 Gough Street, Apt. 1F, San Francisco, Ca 94109

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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