[News] Israeli army completes internal probe; declares ‘no misconduct in Gaza’

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Mon Mar 30 19:29:32 EDT 2009

Israeli army completes internal probe; declares ‘no misconduct in Gaza’


  Monday March 30, 2009 22:53
 by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC News 
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The Israeli military on Monday concluded their 
internal investigation of alleged misconduct by 
soldiers in their invasion of the Gaza Strip in 
January, finding that there was no misconduct by 
soldiers.  This report comes despite thousands of 
eyewitness testimonies attesting to the 
misconduct, and video and photographic evidence documenting the crimes.

According to Military Advocate General Brigadier 
General Avichai Mendelblit, the first-hand 
accounts published in Israeli papers recently of 
Israeli soldiers describing conduct they had 
witnessed and participated in were in fact “just 
rumors” – despite the fact that the accounts came from the soldiers themselves.

The army’s conclusion was that the testimonies 
"were based on hearsay and not first-hand experience."

The army has not investigated video-documented 
claims by the United Nations, the International 
Committee of the Red Cross and Human Rights Watch 
that Israeli soldiers used banned weapons on 
civilian populations in Gaza, and has no plan to investigate these claims.

A number of Israeli human rights groups, 
including B'Tselem, Yesh Din, and Physicians for 
Human Rights, responded to the army’s conclusion 
with a statement calling for an outside investigation.

They stated that "the speedy closing of the 
investigation immediately raises suspicions that 
[it] was merely the army's attempt to wipe its 
hands of all blame for illegal activity."

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