[News] SF - Support Arrested Arab Community Members

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Mar 25 10:16:20 EDT 2009

(Updated 3/24)



Please make your calls and/or send emails to the DA's office 
immediately. The arraignments for the arrested are coming up starting 
this Thursday, March 26 at 8am. We need to pressure the DA's office 
to drop these charges.

Hi my name is ____________________________

I am calling about the arrests of

Mustafa Albouyha

Majdi Abu Hamdieh

Murad Abu Hamdieh

Elizabeth Haskell

Mohammed Ibrahim

Nadeen Elshorafa

These individuals were wrongfully arrested while participating in a 
legal, peaceful march yesterday.  We are demanding that these 
excessive and shocking charges be dropped immediately.

The arraignments are coming up this week, so please make your call 
immediately to all of the following:

SF District Attorney

Bureau of Investigation: (415) 553-1030 (the person at this number 
will try to deflect you, please stay firm and tell them that you want 
the DA to drop these charges)

415.553.1751 (this mailbox may be full, if so the 1030 number is good)

Also, send emails by cutting and pasting the above section. And sign your name.

<mailto:Districtattorney at sfgov.org>Districtattorney at sfgov.org

Public Inquiries:

                         Erica Terry Derryck (415) 553-1167

                         Connie Chang (415) 553-9108


(415) 554-6141

<mailto:gavin.newsom at sfgov.org>gavin.newsom at sfgov.org

If you find out any update about these arrests during your call 
please let us know by calling (510) 534-7933.

  Additional calls for action are to follow.

Forward Widely

Arab Resource and Organizing Center ~ AROC
522 Valencia St
San Francisco, Ca 94110

415.861.7444 ~ www.adcsf.org ~ arabamericanlegal at gmail.com

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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