[News] Seeking Eyewitnesses & Video of Mar. 21 SFPD Attack; Demand Release of Arrested

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Mar 23 13:34:39 EDT 2009

Seeking Eyewitnesses & Video of Mar. 21 SFPD Attack;
Demand Release of Those Arrested

San Francisco police arrested 10 people and assaulted many more 
during and after a permitted March 21 rally in the Civic Center 
marking the sixth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.

Dozens of people suffered bruises, cuts and other injuries in 
unprovoked attacks. The police particularly focused their attack on 
young Palestinians and other Arab Americans.

As of this writing, eight of those arrested remain in jail, all but 
one facing felony charges, their average bail is set at $50,000. One 
of the women arrested remains hospitalized for a head injury 
inflicted by an SFPD officer.
Legal Update from the National Lawyers Guild on Mar. 21 Anti-War March in S.F.

There was a large amount of police violence at yesterday's anti-war 
rally and march. The SFPD arrested ten people. Five are being held on 
felony Lynching and Resisting charges after a skirmish with police in 
the Civic Center. Their bails are $53,000 each.

At least one woman reportedly suffered a head injury during the 
arrests. During the same incident SFPD also reportedly seriously 
injured two women who were not arrested but were hospitalized with 
numerous injures including reports of head trauma and multiple broken bones.

Another five people were arrested in the BART station as the rally 
was ending after an incident involving pepper spray. Police arrested 
five Arab youths who were reportedly the victims of the pepper 
spraying. Two of them who were under eighteen were released to their 
parents; the other three are being held on Battery and Conspiracy 
charges also with bails of $53,000 each.

The NLG and legal volunteers are keeping track of evidence concerning 
these arrests. If you witnessed the incidents or know anyone who did, 
please have them call the legal support hotline at 415-285-1011. The 
NLG will also be looking for lawyers to help with arraignments.

Immediate Action Alert from Arab American Community

You can use the following to call or email city officials about the 
March 21st arrests:

Hi my name is____________________________.
I am calling about the arrests of:

Mustafa Albouyha
Majdi Abu Hamdieh
Elizabeth Haskell
Mohammed Ibrahim
Nadeen Elshorafa

These individuals were wrongfully arrested while participating in a 
legal, peaceful march yesterday. We are demanding that the charges be 
dropped immediately and that they be released to their families.

Make your call immediately to all of the following:

SFPD Public Affairs
(415) 553-1651 (ph)
(415) 553-9229 (fax)
<mailto:sfpd.online at sfgov.org>sfpd.online at sfgov.org

SF District Attorney
Bureau of Investigation: (415) 553-1030
Public Inquiries:
Erica Terry Derryck (415) 553-1167
Connie Chang (415) 553-9108

Mayor Gavin Newsom
(415) 554-6141
<mailto:gavin.newsom at sfgov.org>gavin.newsom at sfgov.org

If you find out any update about these arrests during your calls, 
please let us know by calling (510) 534-7933.

Forward Widely

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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