[News] OAS - No Government Arising from this Unconstitutional Interruption Will Be Recognized

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Mon Jun 29 12:04:14 EDT 2009

"No Government Arising from this Unconstitutional 
Interruption Will Be Recognized"

OAS Demands "the Immediate, Safe and 
Unconditional Return of President José Manuel 
Zelaya Rosales to His Constitutional Functions" in Honduras

By the Organization of American States
Unanimous Declaration

June 29, 2009

CP/RES. 953 (1700/09)


(Adopted at the meeting of June 28, 2009)


CONSIDERING the grave situation taking place in 
the Republic of Honduras as a result of the coup 
d’etat against the government of President José 
Manuel Zelaya Rosales, which has produced an 
unconstitutional alteration of the democratic 
order, which the Permanent Council rejects and repudiates;

CONCERNED with the break-down of the 
constitutional order in the Republic of Honduras;

REAFIRMING the importance of strict adherence and 
respect for human rights and fundamental 
freedoms, and the principle of non-intervention 
in the internal affairs of other States;

REITERATING the principles established in the 
Charter of the Organization of American States 
and the Inter-American Democratic Charter on the 
strengthening and preservation of the democratic 
institutional system in member states, and

RECALLING CP/RES. 952 (1699/09) of June 26, 2009, 
relative to the situation in Honduras,


    * To condemn vehemently the coup d’état 
staged this morning against the 
constitutionally-established Government of 
Honduras, and the arbitrary detention and 
expulsion from the country of the constitutional 
president José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, which has 
produced an unconstitutional alteration of the democratic order.
    * To demand the immediate, safe and 
unconditional return of President José Manuel 
Zelaya Rosales to his constitutional functions.
    * To declare that no government arising from 
this unconstitutional interruption will be recognized.
    * To instruct the Secretary General of the 
OAS to urgently attend the meeting of the Central 
American Integration System (SICA), that will 
take place in Managua, Nicaragua, and in 
accordance with Article 20 of the Inter-American 
Democratic Charter, to carry out all necessary 
consultations with the member states of the Organization.
    * To vehemently condemn all acts of violence 
and especially the reported arbitrary detention 
of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Patricia 
Rodas, other Ministers of Government, as well as 
the Mayor of San Pedro Sula, and associated 
individuals, and to demand that their physical 
safety and security be respected and that they be released immediately.
    * To immediately convene a special session of 
the OAS General Assembly to take place at the 
headquarters of the Organization, on Tuesday, 
June 30, 2009, to take whatever decisions it 
considers appropriate, in accordance with the 
Charter of the Organization of American States, 
international law, and the provisions of the 
Inter-American Democratic Charter.
    * To instruct the Secretary General to 
transmit the resolution to the Secretary General of the United Nations.

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