[News] How you can support the Freedom Archives and the email news lists

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jun 2 13:41:11 EDT 2009

June 2009

Dear Friends,

We hope you find this news list valuable. You can show your 
appreciation for the efforts to bring these stories to you by 
becoming a contributor with either a one time donation or a monthly 

You can make donations through our website by clicking the Click & 
Pledge icon or using this link

With your support, The Freedom Archives just completed another 
project with the Museum of the African Diaspora here in San 
Francisco. We contributed audio recordings of important figures in 
Black history to Let Your Motto Be Resistance: African American 
Portraits, a travelling photo exhibit from a Smithsonian Collection. 
Now guests at the museum, including a number of high school classes, 
can hear history in the making directly from the voices of Malcolm X, 
Langston Hughes, and Angela Davis.

Thanks to you, our new film COINTELPRO 101, a documentary that 
investigates government intervention in disrupting progressive 
movements in the US, is projected to be completed and ready for 
screening this summer. It combines new interviews with historical 
footage and plenty of current relevance.

We've been fortunate to bring Leticia Miranda on to our staff this 
April. She is completing her undergraduate thesis in Feminist Studies 
at UC Santa Cruz and has already brought terrific energy and new 
ideas to the Archives. Patricia Hemphill started a new job after 
nearly four years as an intern and as our Youth Program Director. She 
remains on the Archives board and will continue to work on projects 
with us. Please join us in welcoming Leticia and sending good wishes 
to Patricia in her new endeavors!

Despite the crisis in the larger economy and especially the 
non-profit world, we are confident that, with your support, we can 
continue to provide diverse communities access to our growing 
archives of radical history and culture. The Freedom Archives has 
never depended on major foundation funds to operate. We have 
continued to grow thanks to consistent community support from people like you.

The preservation of our progressive history and culture depends on 
our collective ability to recognize its value and apply its lessons 
to our own and future generations. You have been essential to the 
process of repurposing this unique resource and making it available 
to schools, community youth, performers, historians, and documentary 
producers. Through our audio and video projects and our website, we 
work continuously to make more of this social justice history 
available to people in the Bay Area, the U.S., and around the world.

You are essential to this process. We invite you to become a part of 
our work by joining our monthly donor program. Especially in these 
trying financial times, sustainable fundraising is one of our deepest 
needs and is a way for you to donate in more manageable increments. 
Your one act of generosity will multiply 12 fold over the course of 
one year, yet only takes one moment of your time to set up. Monthly 
giving is a reliable source of income and also makes our budgeting easier.

Again, you can make donations through our website by clicking the 
Click & Pledge icon or using this link

  Please consider making automatic-monthly contributions and asking a 
friend to support our work.

Thank you so much for helping to
Preserve the past, illuminate the present, and shape the future

HOLD THE DATE - The Freedom Archives will be celebrating our 10th 
anniversary on Wednesday, October 7th

Leticia Miranda

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Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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